Oh awesome, I'll definitely investigate, thanks!
Cianez wrote: ↑Tue May 07, 2024 9:08 am
I'll share here a list of things that could be improved, changed, or fixed based on my personal opinions and professional experiences.
Awesome, thank you for taking the time to do so.
Re backtracking: Yep, I'll address that where possible. But for instance, the 3rd Egypt map teleports you to a 2nd, destroyed, instance of the map when you leave the artifact room, so you need to do your backtracking before entering that room, which isn't obvious to the player at the time. Making the level exits more obvious, so players know when to backtrack, should probably also be on the list.
Vaulting: I'm in two minds about that. On the one hand it does allow for some more interesting level layout options, even if it would mean adjusting the existing maps. On the other hand, it feels like it's moving too far away from the simplicity of original Doom's feel, which I wanted to stick to, hence no reloading etc. Except that I've already got jumping, ducking, alt fires and so on, none of which is original Doom, so maybe that's not an excuse. If I can figure out the coding for it (is it something GZDoom is capable of?), I might look at including it in future.
Friction: I just used the Doom default, but that should be easy to change. As long as it doesn't make the rest of the movement feel too floaty. Another option is to manually reduce friction on the required platforms.
Torch as melee: When you get down to your last torch, it does function as a weak melee weapon, mainly so the player can't end up in the dark with no light. But I can look at adding an on-demand key for melee in general.
Torchlight: I agree. I get the impression gldefs doesn't give you much control over the falloff, but I'm probably mistaken, will look into it.
Long jump: You're right, yes. I added the machete's pull forward effect for combat, the long jump is a side-effect I discovered later. But yeah, it gets a little annoying for pot breaking (personally I just shoot the pots). But I also don't want to assign long jump to yet another key, or introduce an inventory so it can be an on-demand powerup. I'll give it some thought.
3d models: Hehe, I avoided 3d models as long as I could. I didn't want to open
that door, because I knew I'd overuse 3d models once I figured out how GZDoom handles them. And yeah, the truck looks out of place, and there's something charming about sprites that I prefer. I only introduced that 3d truck in v1.5, about a month before release. Simply because I hated the linedef-based trucks I had up until 1.3.7, and could no longer stand to look at them. The only other 3d models are 2 leaning pillars, one for Greece and one for Atlantis, which I think is so subtle most people won't even notice it's 3d.
But now I know how to do 3d models in GZDoom, it's easy to introduce more in future. The trees especially, I was never happy with the jungle areas.
I've made a note of those map exploits and texture issue, will address soon. Thanks for pointing them out.
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