All forums needs moderators, that's a given. But what does good moderation look like to you?
After about a decade of moderating various internet communities (both on discord and reddit with varying degrees of success, as well as here), I tend to feel like moderators should feel less like cops and more like guides. Which is interesting, because we already have a community guide program which seems to be quite successful. Our moderation process could look more like that both in terms of responsibility and nomination/selection process, so anyone on the blue list is probably a good candidate for moving to the green list.
Additionally, I don't really want to be a sole dictator making 90% of the decisions around here, which is kinda what seems to happen for some reason. It's my considered opinion that the longer a small team is in place without some kind of shakeup, the more entrenched and stagnated things become. At the same time there's often a kind of stigma against moderators stepping down, like it indicates failure or something. I'd like to avoid that here by making team rotations a regular thing, so more of our user base can get a sense of ownership and responsibility.
But, my opinion isn't the only one. I want to have a discussion about it and hear from all of you. The purpose of this thread is to have an open discussion about such things. Specific policies and rules and such will be the topic of a different thread, so lets table that for now. This is an opportunity to get some community sentiment about how the community should be moderated, hear from current moderators and guides whether they want to stay on or take a break, and maybe promote some new mods.
Global Moderators
Spoiler:Community Guides
Spoiler:I'll leave this thread pinned to this forum for 30 days.
Disclaimers: I'm not sure how well this idea will work. This isn't a voting thread, but it could be a good time to talk about who you trust or not. Also please stay on topic and don't get into debates. I know emotions are high right now over some recent decisions, but I really want this thread to stay focused and productive.