MD3 table texture errors

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MD3 table texture errors

Post by Doominer441 »

Ive got a pair of table models, one square and one rounded. The rounded tables look okay, but the square tables look awful. The texture on the top seems swirled and distorted:

And this also happens with a different, wood texture I'm using:

See, square is distorted, but the round one isn't.

I've tried opening both models in Misfit Model 3D, but being completely unfamiliar with 3D modeling I can't for the life of me figure out what's wrong. The best I can assume is that there's some kind of error with how the texture is applied to the model, but with no functional knowledge of it, I don't know where to begin to fix it. Can anyone please give me any advice or assistance? Assuming my diagnosis of the issue isn't wrong?

Edit: And before I forget, I linked the model file itself for anyone who wants to try to look at it themselves. ... e.md3/file
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Re: MD3 table texture errors

Post by Enjay »

Without seeing the model and the skin, it's a little difficult, but assuming that the skin has a suitable area of graphic to map to the table top:

Pick the select faces tool (second icon from the left, or press F).
Select the table top face in the wire mesh views (and only the table top face, nothing else)
go to materials/edit texture coordinates ( Ctrl-E )
In the texture editor, press the reset coordinates button
Select top when prompted

The table top will now be mapped to the whole skin, so - still in the texture coordinate editor - select its vertices and resize it until it lines up with the part of the skin that you want to be the table top.

Close the texture coordinate editor

Check that things look as to want in the textured view

Save the model


Give the above a go. If you are struggling, post the model and skin and I can look at it. Something like that should be a really quick job if you know your way around Misfit. [edit]I hadn't seen your edit when I posted the above. I'll take a look at the model you posted. [/edit]

However, I would strongly suggest migrating to Maverick Model 3D from Misfit. It is a continuation of Misfit. Therefore, it is almost identical to use, but, unlike Misfit, it is still worked on and has several bug fixes and a few new features.
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Re: MD3 table texture errors

Post by Enjay »

OK, I can see why it looks bad:

I have selected the table top (as per my instructions) and opened the texture coordinate editor. As you can see from the screenshot, the table top is a rectangle but the mapping on to the texture is round(ish). So that round part of the texture is being stretched and squished into a rectangular shape on the model.

My guess is that someone took the round table and made it rectangular. Normally, a simple rectangular table top like that would only be made of two triangles.

Unfortunately, without seeing the skin, I can't map it for you. However, if my guess about how the table was made is correct, there is probably a good chance that the table top part of the skin texture is round. So, if that is the case, it might be a good idea to make a new skin/edit the old one using a graphics editor to create a better area of rectangular table top texture. Ideally, you could also delete the table top and make a proper rectangular one with fewer triangles too. You'd just need to create a cube, flatten it to the table top shape and size and then texture it. I could understand you being reluctant to do that if you are unfamiliar with modelling, but it would be a reasonably simple job to help you learn. Or, again, I could do it for you too (but I'd need the skin as well as the MD3).
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Re: MD3 table texture errors

Post by Doominer441 »

I could definitely get you the skin later tonight
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Re: MD3 table texture errors

Post by Doominer441 »

Also yeah the skin for the square table is the same as for the round one (ie its clearly for a circular shape) I think the reason this didn’t occur to me was I don’t remember where the model and skins came from. I just had it sitting off on a folder somewhere without any context for it.
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Re: MD3 table texture errors

Post by Enjay »

OK, well, it's late here now and I have work tomorrow, but if you post, or PM me the skin (or skins), I can re-do it tomorrow evening and replace the table top with a simpler mesh too while keeping basically the same aesthetic. It shouldn't take too long at all. Or feel free to have a go yourself. Like I said, it wouldn't be a bad little task to learn how to do this stuff with.

And also a reminder to grab Maverick Model instead of Misfit. Like I said, it's almost identical but better because a few things have been fixed and a few features have been added.
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Re: MD3 table texture errors

Post by Doominer441 »

Here are the skins:

(theyre very small, I like that honestly, it keeps things more vanilla style I think)

I think I might try to remodel it myself, but the problem is, how would I export a "blank" skin of the model, so I'd have a blank canvas to edit and texture however I'd prefer? I've tried having Maverick "Paint Texture" but all I end up with is a totally black square, completely useless for editing.

Edit: Okay I managed to do it but the skin looks somewhat anti-aliased, which would probably make it much harder to edit. How would I disable this?
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Re: MD3 table texture errors

Post by Enjay »

Heh, those are small skins. Give me a few minutes and I'll get something done with the model and the skins. You can either use what I do or simply poke around at it to maybe give you an idea at what I will have done with it.

I've never used Maverick to actually paint a skin because I always found it too limited. I just use my graphics editing program (and I use Blender if I ever need to bake complex lighting effects onto the skin). For something simple like this with a 64x64 skin it should be easy enough to just copy/paste stuff around on the skin image and get something that is easy to map the model to.
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Re: MD3 table texture errors

Post by Enjay »

OK, done.

I replaced the table top in the model with a simpler mesh (not that it really matters).
Aligned the legs a bit better (they were slightly off).
Centred the table a bit better (again, it was slightly off).
Edited the skins keeping the 64x64 Doom-paletted aesthetic.
Edited the model to map the various faces to the new skins.

et voila, we are done. Obviously the model will need to use the new skins, not the old round table ones, in your MODELDEF.

As I said, I did move to coordinates around slightly so if you have already placed the model in a map you might want to check that is still sits in the way that you wanted but it isn't really any different in size, it has just been adjusted very slightly so that the centre of the model is now exactly where the centre of the actor will be. So it should be easier to place in a map, but the adjustment really was tiny. Just a map unit or two (depending on how you have scaled the model in MODELDEF).

I haven't actually checked it in game, but it looks OK in Maverick, so it should be OK.
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Re: MD3 table texture errors

Post by Doominer441 »

Thank you, I really appreciate it. As for painting a skin, what I meant was getting a blank template of each section of the skin to edit and paste textures into. Maverick doesn't have the ability to edit the skin directly, but it *can* produce a template skin, but every template skin it produces is blurry and anti-aliased and thus useless. How do I make it stop blurring it and leaving translucent pixels all over the image?
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Re: MD3 table texture errors

Post by Enjay »

Ah, right, I completely misunderstood the question (and was also thinking about a feature of another program entirely).

I rarely use the feature that you were actually asking about but I've had a good look around and tried a few things but I don't see any way to force Maverick to not anti-alias the skin template image when it saves it. Given that the whole point is to produce a nice neat image with the faces projected on to it, that does seem to limit the usefulness of it. It's even worse that the preview is not anti aliased so you think you are going to get something like that, but you don't.

I've raised an issue/request on GitHub.
I don't think zturtleman works on Maverick that often, but he has certainly implemented a few things that I have asked for in the past. So, assuming this can be done reasonably easily, there is a chance that it might appear at some point.

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