Angdoom - An Angband-style DOOM Random Map Generator - v0.3

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Angdoom - An Angband-style DOOM Random Map Generator - v0.3

Post by dasho »


32 and 64-bit Windows builds now available at

This is the Angdoom level generator found at, with the bare minimum of tweaks needed for it to compile without error and not require the libggi dependency.

USAGE (from Windows GUI/File Explorer)

Double-click angdoom.exe

USAGE (from a terminal/command prompt)


This will produce a file called output.wad in the same directory. As of now, there are no command-line options. Also, you will need to use a nodebuilder or a source port capable of generating its own nodes (The *ZDoom family, EDGE-Classic, EDGE and possibly others).

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Re: Angdoom - An Angband-style DOOM Random Map Generator - v

Post by randi »

Totally not related to where the name ZDoom came from (I swear!), but I used to play Zangband a lot back in the 90's.

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