Making Voxels Without Slab6?

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Trusty McLegit
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Making Voxels Without Slab6?

Post by Trusty McLegit »

I've been following a couple older tutorials on making voxels for GZDoom, and they all say I need to use slab6 to set the pivot point and export it to KVX. Is there no better way to do this by now? Some plugin for Magicavoxel or something? Why doesn't GZDoom support .vox or something by now otherwise? It just seems like such a clunky process, especially when iterating on voxel artwork and wanting to see how it'll look in game. Any advice would be appreciated
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Re: Making Voxels Without Slab6?

Post by Cherno »

If you use a source port that supprots models, like GZDoom does, then the way to go is to export your voxel model to an OBJ file, import that one into your favourite 3D Modeling program, adjust the pivot, and export it as MD3 via plugin (or as FBX and then convert to MD3 via Noesis), or as obj again. In essence, don't use voxels (no VOXELDEF); use models (MODELDEF). The reason? More import options. You can even use your OBJ file directly from MagicaVoxel or whatever you use for editing voxels, by using the Offset and Rotation properties of MODELDEF. Using models also allows you to use shaders and easily swap textures/skins in a MODELDEF entry.
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Trusty McLegit
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Re: Making Voxels Without Slab6?

Post by Trusty McLegit »

Oh okay, cool. Thanks! :D

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