A Tool to Check TEXTURES?

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A Tool to Check TEXTURES?

Post by Enjay »

Does anyone know of a tool that can check a TEXTURES lump to make sure that all the entries are valid and correct?

What I'm looking for is something like DeePsea can do with the old TEXTURE1 format. It can run two useful checks:

1) Check to see if all patches in the PNAMES list have actually been used in a texture
2) Check that all textures are fully covered by patches (e.g. if a texture was defined as 128x128 but only had a 64x128 patch on it, or if a 128x128 single patch was offset and not covering the texture fully, these would both flag as errors).

I'm not that bothered about check 1 (though, it could still be useful and in a modern PK3 setup, it would have to check the Patches folder instead/too I guess).

Check 2, however, can be very useful. I can almost guarantee that I have made a typo *somewhere" in one of the TEXTURES lumps I've been using and accidentally left a bit of texture not covered by a patch. However, I don't seem to have any way of checking it. I thought Slade might do it, but I don't see an option anywhere.

So, does such a tool exist?
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Re: A Tool to Check TEXTURES?

Post by Gez »

1) is moot in TEXTURES, since it doesn't use PNAMES.
2) is indeed something that could be useful, though mostly for vanilla wads (so mostly in a TEXTUREx checker) since "column without a patch" is an error that prevents vanilla from starting up but that GZDoom handles just fine.
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Re: A Tool to Check TEXTURES?

Post by Enjay »

Gez wrote:1) is moot in TEXTURES, since it doesn't use PNAMES.
Yes and no - that's whay I mentioned a patches folder. It might be the case that someone... like me, dumped some patches into the patches folder and forgot to add them to the textures lump. So, they might not be PNAMES, but there could still be unused patches. I do acknowledge that this is the less useful of the two tests in a modern setup though.
Gez wrote:...since "column without a patch" is an error that prevents vanilla from starting up but that GZDoom handles just fine.
I'm going to go with "yes and no" again, ;) simply because "handles just fine" can mean accidentally having an area that gets drawn black if the texture is on a 1S wall. This just happened to me. I accidentally cropped a supposed-to-be 64x128 patch to be 63x128 but the containing texture was 64x128. It took me way too long to figure out why there was a black line at the side of my texture. :oops:
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Re: A Tool to Check TEXTURES?

Post by Graf Zahl »

Gez wrote: 2) is indeed something that could be useful, though mostly for vanilla wads (so mostly in a TEXTUREx checker) since "column without a patch" is an error that prevents vanilla from starting up but that GZDoom handles just fine.
More importantly, such an "incomplete" texture is a valid construct in GZDoom.

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