I don't know if this is possible or not - there wasn't enough room in the subject line to completely describe this idea.
Basically the idea here is - if any 2D screen graphic is high enough resolution that the size of the pixels are less than the screen resolution the graphic should be forced to display in trilinear filtering, instead of the "none" filter. For pixel stretched graphics this could be effective in either direction.
This would reduce the serrated edges for high resolution 2D screen graphics while still allowing a more traditional classic look for lower-resolution world textures.
Obviously any 2D graphic that has bigger pixels (i.e. pretty much any of the 90's iwads) would be exempt from this forcing.
Always force trilinear filtering for tiny pixels in 2D
Remember, just because you request it, that doesn't mean you'll get it.
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Always force trilinear filtering for tiny pixels in 2D
Post by Rachael »
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