inheriting wiki example and 10471

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inheriting wiki example and 10471

Post by Guest »

Hi there, I'm sorry for asking such a dumb question but I can't find the answer anywhere on the zdoom wiki. In the following example, what the HELL does the 10471 mean??

actor LaserRecharge : Ammo 10471
Inventory.PickupMessage "Laser recharge unit"
Inventory.Amount 10
Inventory.MaxAmount 200
Inventory.Icon "AAMOA0"
Ammo.BackpackAmount 10
Ammo.BackpackMaxAmount 400
Blue Shadow
Posts: 5032
Joined: Sun Nov 14, 2010 12:59 am

Re: inheriting wiki example and 10471

Post by Blue Shadow »

It's an [wiki]editor number[/wiki].

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