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Re: OBSIDIAN - A continuation of Oblige/ObAddon [Beta 19]

Post by dasho »

Ashat Maself wrote:I've noticed that files for quake generation are in the release, Is quake support planned or is it just a holdover from an old version of oblige?

Well, I guess it's planned now lol. It's going to take a bit of work to get it going nicely with the V7 prefab system, but it looks like it's doable at least.
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Re: OBSIDIAN - A continuation of Oblige/ObAddon [Beta 19]

Post by openroadracer »

Say, dasho, an idea just came to me.

See, when you have both "Nature Mode" and "Streets Mode" active in the generation parameters, it seems that Streets will always override Nature. Why not instead have a "Scenic Drive Mode" that the level generator can utilize if it rolls positive for both Streets and Nature for the same level?

The way I see it, you'd have roads that wind and curve gently through the terrain, with the sections of road connecting different Parks and/or Caves areas within the map. Of course, this would require a whole bunch of brand new fabs to fill out the "Scenic Drive" construction set, but I think it'd be useful and fun to have. You could use it to generate levels that look like routes through countryside, if you wanted.
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Re: OBSIDIAN - A continuation of Oblige/ObAddon [Beta 19]

Post by dasho »

I think an idea like that would take a whole new set of grammar rules to bring to life in addition to the prefabs you've already mentioned. The current Streets Mode aims to create something more like a "slice" of a downtown area, with several intersections or a large L-shaped junction. Connecting curves and such in a coherent manner has its own challenges as well. There are bits from Andrew's RandTrack program (http://randtrack.sourceforge.net/) left in the Oblige/Obsidian source, but I haven't looked very hard at it.
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Re: OBSIDIAN - A continuation of Oblige/ObAddon [Beta 19]

Post by openroadracer »

dasho wrote:I think an idea like that would take a whole new set of grammar rules to bring to life in addition to the prefabs you've already mentioned. The current Streets Mode aims to create something more like a "slice" of a downtown area, with several intersections or a large L-shaped junction. Connecting curves and such in a coherent manner has its own challenges as well. There are bits from Andrew's RandTrack program (http://randtrack.sourceforge.net/) left in the Oblige/Obsidian source, but I haven't looked very hard at it.
Again, "Scenic Drive" would ONLY apply in the case that both "Nature Mode" and "Streets Mode" came up for the same level. At least this way, you'd kinda get both, even if it isn't quite the same as either.

But I understand. There would be a lot more effort that would be required than I'm suggesting. I still think it'd be interesting.
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Re: OBSIDIAN - A continuation of Oblige/ObAddon [Beta 19]

Post by dasho »

I will add it to the Github project tracker so that it doesn't fall off completely (https://github.com/dashodanger/Obsidian/projects), but it might be a while before anyone can peel off and work it. Craneo is working on a Heretic addon pack that adds a ton of assets and uses Mobreck's conversion pack to convert some of the Doom prefabs, and the usual prefabs contributors have their own projects. I'm juggling getting baseline support for games that were supported by earlier versions of Oblige and completing some that I'm not sure were ever finished. Case in point, I grabbed these shots from Raze today:


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Re: OBSIDIAN - A continuation of Oblige/ObAddon [Beta 19]

Post by Cehualli5 »

can anyone confirm that this is safe to download? got it from his official github, scanned it with virus total and came out with this.
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Re: OBSIDIAN - A continuation of Oblige/ObAddon [Beta 19]

Post by wildweasel »

Cehualli5 wrote:can anyone confirm that this is safe to download? got it from his official github, scanned it with virus total and came out with this.
It is very likely that the one scanner that thinks it's a virus, is getting a false positive.
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Re: OBSIDIAN - A continuation of Oblige/ObAddon [Beta 19]

Post by Rachael »

Anything that says "sus" or "suspicious" is often an anti-virus being overly cautious with heuristics.

But if you want to be safer - you can run the program instead inside of a Windows Sandbox, using an external storage like Google Drive to vector the inputs and outputs of the program to your main system. Though it's massively inconvenient to set it up on every run if you plan to use the program a lot. :P
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Re: OBSIDIAN - A continuation of Oblige/ObAddon [Beta 19]

Post by dasho »


You can also grab the hash via PowerShell and send that to VirusTotal as well if you don't feel like uploading the entire file, assuming it has been sent to VirusTotal before. From the hash, I think you're using the Beta 19 release.

You can additionally scan it via Windows Defender with the second command, Start-MpScan. You need to use the full path to the file because for some reason it doesn't like relative pathing with this command. If you do -ScanType Quick or Full, it will take quite a bit longer as it will scan startup items and other locations, but that works too.

Get-MpThreat should return a history of detected threats, if any have been found.

Historically, the only things that ever flag on Obsidian are scanners of unknown reputation and quality, or Windows Defender noting that it is not a common download (this especially happens when the release hasn't been up for very long).

I've updated COMPILING.md on the repo with instructions on compilation if you feel more comfortable doing it yourself. Beta 19 won't work with MSVC, but that is changing when 20 is released.
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Re: OBSIDIAN - A continuation of Oblige/ObAddon [Beta 19]

Post by eharper256 »

Just thought I'd also post this here, me checking out the current state of OBSIDIAN with Walpurgis. I think the city map generation and keeping linearity high probably makes for the best maps, though on occasion I get still some odd texture replacements (might be due to using Wadsmoosh rather than Doom2 Wad though).
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Re: OBSIDIAN - A continuation of Oblige/ObAddon [Beta 19]

Post by LowEndPCGamer100 »

this is gorgeous, I love Obaddon and this is it's true successor, times are great for doom in this day!
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Re: OBSIDIAN - A continuation of Oblige/ObAddon [Beta 19]

Post by SaucepanSF »

Is there a way to influence what the map name will be (example: e1m1, e1m2, f7r5 etc whatever). I see it defaulting to map01 on everything I've had built so far.

Thank you in advance and apologies if it's a stupid question. Noob here.
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Re: OBSIDIAN - A continuation of Oblige/ObAddon [Beta 19]

Post by dasho »

I'm not sure exactly what you're referring to, but if you are using an engine like GZDoom then the automap should read "MAP01: Randomly Generated Name Here" as an example. The MAP01 part is determined by which game you are generating a map for. For instance, Doom 2 would use MAP01 while Doom 1/Ultimate Doom would use the ExMx structure.
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Re: OBSIDIAN - A continuation of Oblige/ObAddon [Beta 19]

Post by Abba Zabba »

Getting this same error towards the end of the generation process of a full mapset with the new Beta 20 build released a week ago. Fresh, from scratch configs with complete default settings, works. Another fresh config with up to date options being modified causes this problem without fail.
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Re: OBSIDIAN - A continuation of Oblige/ObAddon [Beta 19]

Post by dasho »

Abba Zabba wrote:Getting this same error towards the end of the generation process of a full mapset with the new Beta 20 build released a week ago. Fresh, from scratch configs with complete default settings, works. Another fresh config with up to date options being modified causes this problem without fail.
Spoiler: Bottom of log
Ah, that was an error with changing the way certain scripts are assembled. It's been fixed in the upstream content repository, but I haven't packaged a new release yet. For the time being, you could grab updated files from the upstream repo maintained by Shooter https://github.com/GTD-Carthage/Obsidian-Content, or disable the Rats/Flies Fauna module that I think was causing it.

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