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Re: OBSIDIAN - A continuation of Oblige/ObAddon [Beta 19]

Post by Kinsie »

Here's the end of the log from the last time I got the error, complaining about MAP05:

Code: Select all

 Render_chunk 51 in ROOM_4 (closet / CAGE)
=========  FABRICATE Cage_wall_armaetus_bunker
  add_x = 1568
  add_y = -208
  add_z = -64
  bbox = table: 00000219443d7d60
  fitted_x = 256
  fitted_y = 272
  rotate = 180
Processing {
  deep = 16
  dir_name = games/doom/fabs
  file = cage/armaetus_bunker.wad
  height = 128
  kind = cage
  name = Cage_wall_armaetus_bunker
  prob = 300
  seed_h = 1
  seed_w = 2
  shape = U
  texture_pack = armaetus
  use_prob = 300
  where = seeds
  x_fit = table: 000002195f20db70
  y_fit = top
Loading wad-fab cage/armaetus_bunker.wad / *
AJPOLY: Opened WAD file : games/doom/fabs/cage/armaetus_bunker.wad
AJPOLY: Reading 12 dir entries at 0xB7D
AJPOLY: Loaded 33 vertices, 7 sectors, 36 sides, 29 lines, 2 things
EDIT: MAP07 on this one.

Code: Select all

Fab_process_spots @ ROOM_3
=========  FABRICATE Wall_gtd_ribbed_lights_slump_two_color
  add_x = 32
  add_y = 176
  add_z = 0
  bbox = table: 000002193193c130
  fitted_x = 128
  fitted_y = 16
  fitted_z = 160
  rotate = 180
Processing {
  bound_z1 = 0
  bound_z2 = 128
  deep = 16
  dir_name = games/doom/fabs
  engine = zdoom
  file = wall/gtd_wall_ribbed_light_set.wad
  group = gtd_ribbed_lights_slump_two_color
  height = 128
  kind = wall
  map = MAP07
  name = Wall_gtd_ribbed_lights_slump_two_color
  prob = 50
  sector_1 = table: 0000021915b37740
  use_prob = 50
  where = edge
  z_fit = top
Loading wad-fab wall/gtd_wall_ribbed_light_set.wad / MAP07
AJPOLY: Opened WAD file : games/doom/fabs/wall/gtd_wall_ribbed_light_set.wad

Code: Select all

Loading wad-fab item/gtd_item_key_alcove.wad / MAP01
AJPOLY: Opened WAD file : games/doom/fabs/item/gtd_item_key_alcove.wad
AJPOLY: Reading 11 dir entries at 0x1ED4
AJPOLY: Loaded 74 vertices, 15 sectors, 102 sides, 66 lines, 1 things
AJPOLY: Map goes from (-128,-128) to (384,384)
AJPOLY: Creating Edges...
bbox =
  dx = 256.0
  dy = 256.0
  dz = 144
  x1 = 0.0
  x2 = 256.0
  y1 = 0.0
  y2 = 256.0
  z1 = -32
  z2 = 112
Fab_process_spots @ ROOM_25

 Render_chunk 325 in ROOM_25 (closet / TRAP)
=========  FABRICATE Trap_closet_urban
  add_x = -4560
  add_y = -480
  add_z = -160
  bbox = table: 0000028a0109d560
  fitted_x = 384
  fitted_y = 144
  rotate = 90
Fab_process_spots @ ROOM_25
  got spot kind 'trap'
  got spot kind 'pickup'
  got spot kind 'pickup'
  got spot kind 'pickup'
  got spot kind 'trap'
  got spot kind 'trap'

 Render_chunk 740 in ROOM_18 (floor / DECORATION)
=========  FABRICATE Decor_litter3
  add_x = -96.0
  add_y = -96.0
  add_z = -128
  rotate = 270
Fab_process_spots @ ROOM_18

 Render_chunk 748 in ROOM_18 (floor / DECORATION)
=========  FABRICATE Decor_bench_n_trashcan
  add_x = 288.0
  add_y = -1120.0
  add_z = -264
  rotate = 270
Fab_process_spots @ ROOM_18

 Render_chunk 774 in ROOM_18 (floor / DECORATION)
=========  FABRICATE Decor_waiting_shed
  add_x = 544.0
  add_y = -288.0
  add_z = -264
  fitted_z = 296.0
  rotate = 180
Fab_process_spots @ ROOM_18

 Render_chunk 793 in ROOM_18 (ceil / DECORATION)
=========  FABRICATE Light_urban_TLITE65Y
  add_x = 864.0
  add_y = 96.0
  add_z = -32.0
  rotate = 0
Fab_process_spots @ ROOM_18

 Render_chunk 795 in ROOM_18 (ceil / DECORATION)
=========  FABRICATE Light_urban_TLITE65Y
  add_x = 864.0
  add_y = -160.0
  add_z = -32.0
  rotate = 0
Fab_process_spots @ ROOM_18

 Render_chunk 189 in ROOM_18 (closet / DECORATION)
=========  FABRICATE Pic_EPIC_box_bishop
  add_x = 912
  add_y = -864
  add_z = -256
  bbox = table: 00000289eac79720
  fitted_x = 256
  fitted_y = 256
  rotate = 270
Fab_process_spots @ ROOM_18
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Re: OBSIDIAN - A continuation of Oblige/ObAddon [Beta 19]

Post by MsrSgtShooterPerson »

Kinsie wrote:me I got the error, complaining about MAP05:
Just in case, some files have been renamed in the past several releases for re-organization - can you try clearing out your `games` folder and re-copying the contents and try again?
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Re: OBSIDIAN - A continuation of Oblige/ObAddon [Beta 19]

Post by roundtree »

This version compiles up nicely on Linux. Last version did not compile. It would just crash at 81%. Honestly, I did not want to bother anyone about it. I downloaded the Windows version and ran it through a 64-bit Wine, and it ran beautiful!

Also, I'm really impressed with some of the new prefabs! I have not seen everything, because I hardly touch urban or hell levels. Don't know why, but I'm obsessed with tech bases. And I just noticed 1 week ago that Obsidian has the ability to compress wad files. Is this a new feature? If not, I wish I would have noticed a long time ago. I just never bothered to look at the options before.

I've been messing with that "minimum light level" feature. Some newer FPS games do not require the use of a flashlight like Doom 2. It's just if I turn it up too much, it maybe feels a bit less like Doom. Doom always had the element of surprise with monsters coming at you out of the darkness.
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Re: OBSIDIAN - A continuation of Oblige/ObAddon [Beta 19]

Post by dasho »

I think WAD compression has been in for almost 3 months now, so it depends on whether you consider that new or not.

Also, it's not bothering us if you are reporting an error, especially on the Linux side as the userbase is of course skewed heavily towards the Windows side of things.
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Re: OBSIDIAN - A continuation of Oblige/ObAddon [Beta 19]

Post by roundtree »

dasho wrote:I think WAD compression has been in for almost 3 months now, so it depends on whether you consider that new or not.

Also, it's not bothering us if you are reporting an error, especially on the Linux side as the userbase is of course skewed heavily towards the Windows side of things.
I understand what you mean, but you proved to me that just because I'm having a problem compiling does not mean it is the fault of the operating system. I recall before that I over-modified my build environment to the point where I just needed to reinstall Linux. But for sure if I do report an error, I will output the errors to a text file log first.
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Re: OBSIDIAN - A continuation of Oblige/ObAddon [Beta 19]

Post by roundtree »

I just have a suggestion for one of the Hexen prefabs: breakable glass windows, like the ones from the first level. I don't feel that it is that important, just throwing it out there. It was not important in the original levels usually, but one of them did conceal a secret passageway.
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Re: OBSIDIAN - A continuation of Oblige/ObAddon [Beta 19]

Post by dasho »

I'll be honest, the current (Beta 20) level of support for Hexen is probably about as much development that will go into it from our side. I will maintain compatibility with the generic prefab set, which is what powers pretty much every game but Doom 1/2, but there's just not enough bandwidth or interest from any of the core team to make Hexen-specific prefabs.

That being said, all Hexen features SHOULD be supported at this point, although we have decided to force Hexen into a linear progression when generating multi-map WADs (special 74 will always warp to the next map in sequence, and the exit for the last generated map becomes special 75 which ends the game).

If there is a Hexen feature that doesn't work as intended when creating a Hexen map or prefab, we will still accept that as a bug report.
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Re: OBSIDIAN - A continuation of Oblige/ObAddon [Beta 19]

Post by dasho »

Heads up for anyone tracking the current Beta 20 branch; we just updated to use LuaJIT instead of vanilla Lua and the time to generate maps has been significantly reduced. The latest zip is at
https://github.com/dashodanger/Obsidian ... t-Unstable

I recommend a clean install (no previous files or configs) in this case, but the results have been very promising so far.
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Re: OBSIDIAN - A continuation of Oblige/ObAddon [Beta 19]

Post by roundtree »

Obsidian compiles great and works great! I can confirm what you said about it compiling maps faster for sure! (Did about 20 yesterday). But it seems Hexen map generation is not functioning. I deleted my config.txt file to make sure that it wasn't something in my configuration messing it up. I took a screenshot of the error, but I'm not that concerned about it right now. Doom map generation works just fine as well as Chex Quest and Heretic.

Zdoom forums is not letting me post the screenshot, so I'll just write the error. It says, "script error: attempt to call field rshift: a nil value". If you want me to generate a log file and post it, I will do that for sure.
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Re: OBSIDIAN - A continuation of Oblige/ObAddon [Beta 19]

Post by Lagi »

I just discover that Obsidian is random map generator - VERY good one! (i would write in OP that its a "map generator")

my mind is blown! the complexity of the map it creates is remarkable.

I really like there is not too much ammo. And all the pickups feels "random". It is also sooo much customization in it.

as expected doom maps have the most amazing variety of decorations, and architectural features. Heretic maps are little pale in comparison. Need to try Hexen in a second, hope its finally a good mayhem.

probably stupid question already ask in some FAQ:
can you random generate maps for other gamemods than the classics 11? (doom1,2, heretic, hexen.... there is Strife?!!!! FTW) mostly for placement of custom weapons and monsters i mean.

how to reset opsidian to default?

have error building hexen maps [lvl 20 unstable]

Maps are intended to be play without jumping?
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Re: OBSIDIAN - A continuation of Oblige/ObAddon [Beta 19]

Post by dasho »

There's a lot of questions to unpack there, but firstly I've attached a file called rshift-fix.zip which will contain the fix for the issue in the screenshot. There are two files in the zip, prefab.lua and script.lua. Place them in the /scripts directory of your installation and overwrite the existing versions. That should take care of the error in your screenshot. It was caused as a result of us switching from Lua 5.4 to LuaJIT.

To reset Obsidian to default, delete your CONFIG.txt and open the program again.

Maps made with "ZDoom Family" as the selected engine will include fabs that are intended for crouching or jumping if one of the Doom games is selected. All other selections are not made for jumping.

Heretic, and other games besides Doom, will use the generic prefab set. It is a set of fabs that I maintain to provide at least a minimum level of functionality for the other games. It will definitely not have the variety that Doom has because all of the other content creators, with the exception of Craneo, only make content for Doom. He has, however, developed an addon for Heretic that ports over some of the Doom fabs and textures.
can you random generate maps for other gamemods than the classics 11? (doom1,2, heretic, hexen.... there is Strife?!!!! FTW) mostly for placement of custom weapons and monsters i mean.
Yes, there are addons that support various game mods, such as DoomRLA and the Realm667 beastiary, if that's what you mean.
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Re: OBSIDIAN - A continuation of Oblige/ObAddon [Beta 19]

Post by dasho »

roundtree wrote:Obsidian compiles great and works great! I can confirm what you said about it compiling maps faster for sure! (Did about 20 yesterday). But it seems Hexen map generation is not functioning. I deleted my config.txt file to make sure that it wasn't something in my configuration messing it up. I took a screenshot of the error, but I'm not that concerned about it right now. Doom map generation works just fine as well as Chex Quest and Heretic.

Zdoom forums is not letting me post the screenshot, so I'll just write the error. It says, "script error: attempt to call field rshift: a nil value". If you want me to generate a log file and post it, I will do that for sure.
Sorry, I just realized you were posting about the same thing. This same fix is in the repo now if you feel like grabbing it from there instead.
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Re: OBSIDIAN - A continuation of Oblige/ObAddon [Beta 19]

Post by Lagi »

hexen map build now, but they are not playable due to "out of range coordinates"

i setup engine to Limit Removing - still Hexen gameplay is the worst, now i know that not only the levels are poor :-)
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Re: OBSIDIAN - A continuation of Oblige/ObAddon [Beta 19]

Post by dasho »

Yeah, looks like Hexen thing Z-heights are being weird again. You're welcome to use the Stable release until things get sorted out, or just generate maps for games other than Hexen for the time being.
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Re: OBSIDIAN - A continuation of Oblige/ObAddon [Beta 19]

Post by roundtree »

Ok thats fine. I'm still not as concerned with Hexen maps, but I think my love of Hexen Simple RPG has helped bring it back.

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