add an installation guide

Moderator: Raze Developers


add an installation guide

Post by Guest »

I suggest adding a little readme file, that describes the folder structure that Raze expects, and answering questions, such as:

What files from the CD is needed where, Should we run the original install in dosbox first, or just copy files directly from the CD?
What should we call the ripped CD-music tracks, and where should they be placed?
Can we have multible games in the same Raze-folder or is that messy?

This info is probably only needed if you have the original CDs, rather than the autodetected new GOG/STEAM versions.

I think it is awesome that you guys are making a build-sourceport!

I am really looking forward to replay my old games! :)
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Re: add an installation guide

Post by NightFright »

I think we have this now.

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