Notice: The survey is currently closed. GZDoom 4.4.0 does not include the survey code that 4.2.0 did. Important: 4.4.x will be the last GZDoom release to feature a 32 bit build. Starting with 4.5.0 there will only be 64 bit versions.
Download (OpenGL 3.3 and higher for hardware rendering, Direct3D 9 or later for software rendering)
Wow. I have not seen a problem with RAM yet. I just finished level 1 from After Doom + PB 3.0
Oh yeah. I completed all 3 levels in After Doom + PB 3.0 and did not encounter a memory leak
@Graf, what are the major changes in 4.4.0 actually? I'm a bit interested because there are some other projects using this engine and sooner or later I'll have to update those too.
I finished all 3 levels again in After Doom + PB 3.0, but this time with Vulkan. There were no problems with memory leak
This is a really great GZDoom update for me
Last edited by Kamil on Wed Jun 10, 2020 2:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Update seems pretty solid aside from a new issue I encountered.
Midi playback will be far too loud, not reflecting how the slider is set in the options. My current workaround is to lower the master volume down, and then back up again.
I should specify that this wasn't happening for me in v4.3.3, and I am using OmniMIDI for the MIDI device.
Scratch that, this seems to be an issue with my operating system's MIDI device drivers in general. Windows seems to be unregistering OmniMIDI after reboot consistently.
This seems to also have cropped up due to a Windows 10 update. No surprises there.
Mug of Bro wrote:Edit:
Scratch that, this seems to be an issue with my operating system's MIDI device drivers in general. Windows seems to be unregistering OmniMIDI after reboot consistently.
This seems to also have cropped up due to a Windows 10 update. No surprises there.
The same has been happening to CoolSoft MIDI drivers too. It seems to be related to the Audio Endpoint Builder service removing the driver registry files, due to the usage of unsupported methods.
Coming in to report that the bug mentioned in this thread viewtopic.php?f=104&t=68623 still remains even with the updated ALSOFT 1.20.1 version.
Chris suggested that it may be the version of "zmusic" or "libsndfile" on Mac. I don't really know what these are. Is this an issue exclusive to the GZDoom Mac version? Or is it something regarding my own Mac's specs?
Try to find the last version of GZDoom that doesn’t have this problem.
Also, this is not bug reporting topic. Please continue discussion in the initial one.