Ultimate Doom Builder

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Re: Ultimate Doom Builder

Post by dpJudas »

It is probably that there is a missing deallocation of the visual geometry that messes it up. When the Disengage is called on the mode it needs to destroy all the VisualXX objects. Maybe it missed removing the sidedefs?
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Re: Ultimate Doom Builder

Post by ZZYZX »

Definitely did miss it, because original code would remove geometry based on the hash map, whereas without the hash map you don't know where to remove geometry from.
After you changed it, I saw there was a removed hash map Clear(), but nothing to replace it. Not sure though, didn't read it thoroughly...
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Re: Ultimate Doom Builder

Post by dpJudas »

Actually the new code removes VisualXX objects by iterating over the entire map (there's now a reference to the visual directly on its owner to avoid the lookup). It probably just forgot to iterate through the sidedefs as well.

The old code effectively iterated over the entire map already anyway, because if you had a view distance beyond the default and moved around just a little bit it would be 80% or more of it already in that hash. Even when that wasn't the case I'd personally prefer slightly longer mode switching time over a constant FPS reduction when the mode is active.

In any case, just wanted to mention it if someone revisits what this commit was trying to do.
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Re: Ultimate Doom Builder

Post by boris »

UDB now has its own Discord server: https://discord.gg/Ma8SJW
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Re: Ultimate Doom Builder

Post by Mav3r1ck »

Is the Doom 64 coloring intended to be a permanent feature? And if some will it be usable in ACS?
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Re: Ultimate Doom Builder

Post by kaleb. »

ZZYZX wrote:I believe this is a result of recent pull request being merged which replaced Microsoft Sans Serif with Arial. I'm going to try to fix this by shipping some free font within the editor or using the application one...
Since, hard dependency on any system font in crossplatform software is not quite a good thing.

edit: fixed in R3271 (607ac77) / R3272 (if you already updated)
nah, im still getting the same exact error after the update..
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Re: Ultimate Doom Builder

Post by Rachael »

Mav3r1ck wrote:Is the Doom 64 coloring intended to be a permanent feature?
Well, considering it's a GZDoom feature...
Mav3r1ck wrote:And if some will it be usable in ACS?
No. GZDoom doesn't have it in ACS so it will not be in ACS for UDB either, unless GZDoom adopts it as an ACS feature.

You've gotta understand that UDB and GZDoom are separate programs and that UDB is (for the most part, anyway) designed to be an editor to support GZDoom's features. That's how it works. UDB will not get any features that GZDoom doesn't already somehow support, except specifically on the editing front.
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Re: Ultimate Doom Builder

Post by AFADoomer »

I'm getting error messages on map load when loading a certain texture from a directory...

Error text when loading this texture:

Code: Select all

Error while loading "models\ckpipe.md3": unable to load skin "textures\ckeen\ck_pipe2.png"
Image file "C:\Games\Doom\WolfenDoom\Working\WolfenDoom\textures\ckeen\CK_PIPE2.png" data format could not be read, while loading image "textures/ckeen/CK_PIPE2.png". Is this a valid picture file at all?
Unable to make file image. BadImageFormatException: DevIL error: IL_FILE_WRITE_ERROR
If I re-save the image so that it's less optimized, the error goes away. The image works fine in GZDoom, and worked fine in GZDB-BF.

Any ideas?
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Re: Ultimate Doom Builder

Post by YukiRaven »

AFADoomer wrote:less optimized
What are you using to optimize it, by chance? Maybe the PNG optimizer (if that's what you mean) is making a change that isn't totally compatible with the PNG specification, or it's doing something DevIL doesn't understand.

I usually use a combination of PNGOUT and zopflipng with good success.
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Re: Ultimate Doom Builder

Post by Graf Zahl »

Very early versions of GZDoom also used DevIL and it was a bit picky with optimized PNGs even back then so when ZDoom gained PNG support I quickly dumped it.
It's surprising to see that this hasn't changed in all those years.

I don't know if they use libpng to read the images or some homegrown code making poor assumptions, but I suspect the latter.
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Re: Ultimate Doom Builder

Post by ZZYZX »

kaleb. wrote:nah, im still getting the same exact error after the update..
Try installing msttcorefonts or w/e it's called. Also, do you have any way of more realtime conversation? I'd like to send you some debug builds of this a bit later, to at least understand wtf does it try to find.

edit: saw Discord, will contact then :roll:

Also, with BuilderNative, it may become possible to trash DevIL. Not sure how to support every possible image format then though, as for me it seems that GZDoom reads absolutely anything...
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Re: Ultimate Doom Builder

Post by dpJudas »

You guys don't have to worry about DevIL's PNG support - I sacked it about one hour ago. :)
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Re: Ultimate Doom Builder

Post by MFG38 »

ZZYZX wrote:ZScript support
Omigosh yessssss! This was sorely missing from GZDB.

I'll surely be giving this a spin sooner rather than later! :D
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Re: Ultimate Doom Builder

Post by boris »

MFG38 wrote:
ZZYZX wrote:ZScript support
Omigosh yessssss! This was sorely missing from GZDB.

I'll surely be giving this a spin sooner rather than later! :D
If I'm not mistaken ZScript support has been in GZDB-BF for nearly 3 years.
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Re: Ultimate Doom Builder

Post by MFG38 »

boris wrote:
MFG38 wrote:
ZZYZX wrote:ZScript support
Omigosh yessssss! This was sorely missing from GZDB.

I'll surely be giving this a spin sooner rather than later! :D
If I'm not mistaken ZScript support has been in GZDB-BF for nearly 3 years.
I stand corrected in that case.

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