Doomreal [1.2]

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Re: [Beta] Doomreal

Post by Marisa the Magician »

Enarkz wrote:Why does it say i need Gzdoom 4.3.0 despite the last version being 4.2.1 on the official site ?
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Re: [Beta] Doomreal

Post by MaxSpec »

Uuhh, I got Doom Tournament and Doomreal, but it doesn't launch for some reason, giving me 46 errors.
Edit: I have 4.3-pre dev version of GZDoom.
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Re: [Beta] Doomreal

Post by Marisa the Magician »

You forgot to update your doom tournament to the latest development build (yes, it has those too).
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Re: [Beta] Doomreal

Post by drfrag »

You're linking an old version here:
Sorry, wrong load order. For drag and drop you need to keep the cursor on the file you want to load first.
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Re: [Beta] Doomreal

Post by wildweasel »

Enarkz wrote:Why does it say i need Gzdoom 4.3.0 despite the last version being 4.2.1 on the official site ?
Because it needs a development build.

(edit) somehow didn't notice there was another page
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Re: [Beta] Doomreal

Post by Xada »

Regarding bugs:
Sometimes the Flamethrower seizes up it's state and you can't change weapons... Seems to get caught in some kind of loop when using the altfire and not charging fully. If you drop the weapon during this period the game hard crashes from my experience.

Sometimes abruptly during play the game will crash when damaging certain mobs with explosive weapons-- usually references the flakcannon code. I noticed when damaging certain baron variants from some mods (ie Slaughterous or Arachnorb Queen mobs, haven't tested it with model-mob stuff yet) it crashes more but I can't pinpoint why.. Sometimes it's on the mob's death, other times it's merely damaging it. Seems very similar to the Doom Tournament instagib crash I noticed before (which your subsequent update fixed in that case, actually!)

A side point: As much as I understand the no-reload balancing the Protomags see little use compared to automags. The damage offset is too drastic and renders them weaker all-around to the Automags. Just my two cents though I feel they should be buffed to at least 12 or so damage instead of just 10? Might give some incentive to alternate between the two.
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Re: [Beta] Doomreal

Post by Marisa the Magician »

Every time I come in here I'm worried that some big bug has surfaced. And usually that's what happens.

Anyway, whenever a vm abort happens I really REALLY REALLY would prefer if people posted what shows on console, because otherwise I can't debug anything.

Edit: hotfix is out, as usual accompanied by an updated flak_m_devel.pk3 in the DT thread.
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Re: [Beta] Doomreal

Post by snarkel »

Marisa Kirisame wrote:
About the Fireblaster / Flame Gun I'm now understanding why that weapon was never really implemented. Since post-nerf it was actually using the damage values of the original (10/20). The ammo usage is also the same, too. It really does suck even though I went and at least made it rapid fire for primary and shoot sub-projectiles for secondary. We'll never know how it was really meant to work, but I get the idea that it wasn't exactly the best thing ever.
I understand you are trying to be as accurate and true to the source material as possible but I wonder if those could have simply been placeholder values for the weapon. I bet if it somehow made it into the base game it would've been way stronger, or at least the ammo usage would have been toned down. That's my thought process anyway. Despite it's underpowered-ness, it's still a fun novelty weapon and the alt fire still seems to kick butt well. I feel it could still benefit from another 10 damage boost at most or ammo usage reduction at least. Otherwise the weapon just seems to be outclassed by everything else similar to the Protomag, as cool as it looks.
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Re: [Beta] Doomreal

Post by Marisa the Magician »

Beta 5 Hotfix 2 out because sometimes I just don't test that changes work. Health pickup messages should localize properly now instead of just puking out the LANGUAGE entry name.
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Re: [Beta] Doomreal

Post by Baratus][ »

I know I haven't been active in the ZDoom forums, but I really wanted to say I really enjoy this mod by far + I've been a fan of their unused content and am glad to see such prototype material being put together into a Doom mod.

Anyway, I do have a bug report and a suggestion. But first the bug report, Since the first hotfix of Beta 5 I noticed when planting the Nali Fruit seeds I didn't really see them thinking it wasn't working and after updating to Beta 5 Hotfix 2.

It turns out the Nali Fruit model is really really shrunk to the point I have to set my FOV to 1 to see it entirely. And yes I have the latest Doom Tournament and GZDoom builds in the making of this video. Hopefully it can be fixed.

Now for the suggestions, I figured about having an addon or two to either make the weapons (minus the dual wielded) view from the center (Like how the Quadshot looked in prototype screenshots from 1996 for example) and/or have the weapons view from left angle instead of the default right angle.

Then again, I really enjoy this mod and I hope to see the monsters from Unreal (including the prototype ones) in Doomreal in the future. :D
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Re: [Beta] Doomreal

Post by Marisa the Magician »


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Re: [Beta] Doomreal

Post by Marisa the Magician »

Good lord, 5 hotfixes in a row.

Edit: Spoke too soon, now it's 6.

Edit dos: Feckin' hell there goes a hotfix 7. Stupid InStateSequence being a butt again.
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Re: [RC1] Doomreal

Post by Marisa the Magician »

Mod's almost ready to come out of beta, as soon as GZDoom gets a new update so I don't have to go tell people to use devbuilds.

Still haven't decided on whether to separate the proto stuff into an add-on or not, so it's time to vote.
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Re: [RC1] Doomreal

Post by Slax »

Marisa Kirisame wrote:Still haven't decided on whether to separate the proto stuff into an add-on or not, so it's time to vote.
Might as well make it a menu option. Not that much bloat.
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Re: [RC1] Doomreal

Post by snarkel »

Almost out of beta eh? Nice! Cant wait for the first full release. Personally, i think the proto stuff should just be part of the base file, its already kind of cluttered running this mod since it relies on flak_m possibly along with any and all add-ons that you have for either of the two. It'd be a little cleaner if it was just in the base mod and maybe even a menu option like what Slax suggested. I also want to bring up one more little balance critique if you don't mind. The last buff to the protomag was nice but honestly, the protomag is still outclassed by literally everything else. I understand you are balancing it around the fact that it doesn't need to reload compared to the Automag but the lower fire rate and lower damage output really makes it not worth it despite the lack of a reload. I feel like the protomag could benefit from having either the same fire rate as the automag and less damage or the current fire rate and more damage. Having a lower fire rate and less damage just makes it kinda pointless. Especially when you have both of them. Or what might be a better idea is maybe a setting of which mag you want to be used in a playthrough? It could just be me but even if the protomag was a bit more on par with the automag, it would be weird having both of them. It'd be nice to go through an episode or megawad with only the automag or protomag dropping/spawning instead of both at the same time. Other than all of that though, i cant wait for the mod to get its first release and i cant wait for whatever else you may have planned for this.

EDIT: Also found a bug where the amplifier seems to stop amplifying once it reaches half charge. (Or maybe it just stops the visual effects?) Might want to check that out real quick

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