Some first trend from the survey about operating system use. Linux and Mac haven't picked up yet because the downloads are either fresh or not present yet.
For Windows it looks like this:
~78% use Windows 10 64 bit
~16% use Windows 7 or 8 64 bit
-4.5% use the 32 bit build on a 64 bit system (why, oh why does this number not decrease...?

1.75% use a real 32 bit OS.
The GZDoom 3.5 survey around the same time had ~3.5% users on a true 32 bit system, this has decreased by half!
It takes no rocket science to see that it won't take too long anymore to discontinue 32 bit support - it hasn't full feature parity anyway anymore (no Vulkan, no JIT) and it seriously blocks a feature that has been requested by some users: 64 bit integer support in the VM. While theoretically this could be done in 32 bit, it'd require a lot more work there than for 64 bit - so much more in fact that it's out of the question to implement it in a 32 bit compatible way -, so whenever this feature comes, 32 bit will be history - with the current numbers I'd say the right time will be after Christmas when a large number of older systems gets retired again.
Other numbers are less interesting, the only other important number is that the percentage of non-Vulkan compatible systems is roughly 18%, 1/10th of which only are incompatible due to old drivers. Like 32 bit above, this is half of what it was in the 3.5 survey after a comparable number of reports. This, of course, is nowhere near being discontinued, but seeing that at least AMD has been reported to begin winding down OpenGL support in their drivers it is only a matter of time until OpenGL has to be dropped. But this will most likely be decided by external factors than shrinking user base. Right now I'd give it 4 years, maybe, until OpenGL becomes a liability.