256 Texture Generator

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256 Texture Generator

Post by kevansevans »


Hey you!

Do you like textures?

Do you like lots of textures?

Do you like lots of the same texture where the only difference between each texture is the color?

Well I have an application for you! I present to you:

The 256 Color generator! (windows, linux, and open source Haxe!)

What does this program do? Simple. Provide a .png texture with any alpha on it, select a color palette, then hit generate! It will create 256 versions of that texture but with color in place of where it's transparent. Need some examples? No Problem!

The Fuzz

Crate Mania! (Black to Alpha) (White to Alpha)

Tech Wire Nightmare!

Comp walls with Strife's Palette!

Black Fire Rainbow:

Rachael's Rainbow Rhapsody:

Even Browner Gothic:

Download here! (windows, linux, and open source Haxe!)
Last edited by kevansevans on Mon Mar 18, 2019 2:37 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: 256 Texture Generator

Post by Enjay »

Works quite nicely for me.

I guess it'll take a bit of trial and error/tweaking to get something I really like out of it, but it's simple enough to use.

Thanks. :)
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Re: 256 Texture Generator

Post by kevansevans »

Enjay wrote:Works quite nicely for me.

I guess it'll take a bit of trial and error/tweaking to get something I really like out of it, but it's simple enough to use.

Thanks. :)
I was really excited someone finally commented on it, and doubly more so it works for that person, and triply more so that person liked it, thank you Enjay you made my day <3

I'll still be working on this and updating it, I have a lot more ideas to throw into the mix:

* Better editor so the preview image isn't wonky and cut off by screen edges
* Scaling of the preview image
* Anidef support, IE each color will get exported into a sub folder with each frame located in there plus an individual ANIMDEF text file coresponding to those textures
* Additions of other palettes, already got the quake palette added, and custom palette support
* Better export options for organization, sort by hue, tint, and even select individual swatches to exclude/include
* Other things I might come up with in the future
* And since this program is written in Haxe, sometime in the future we might have a web version (no promises). I've been offered to have it hosted on ZDF, so if I can make it happen, it sure as hell is going up there.

Also here's some extra textures to show off:

Black Fire Rainbow:

Rachael's Rainbow Rhapsody:

Even Browner Gothic:
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Re: 256 Texture Generator

Post by Rachael »

Definitely a fun tool to play with. I regret none of my actions that led to the creation of the rainbow rhapsody. None. :P
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Re: 256 Texture Generator

Post by Gez »

Please fix the pallet typo in the program, I can't download it as long as I'm not 100% sure it's gone.
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Re: 256 Texture Generator

Post by Rachael »

Gez wrote:Please fix the pallet typo in the program, I can't download it as long as I'm not 100% sure it's gone.
At the very least you could point out that the correct spelling is palette :P
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Re: 256 Texture Generator

Post by Enjay »

Cool that you plan on making this even better.
kevansevans wrote:* Additions of other palettes, already got the quake palette added, and custom palette support
Yup, more palettes and/or the ability to load custom palettes struck me as something that would be useful.

I also thought that, perhaps, limited palettes might be useful. I might not always want the full 256 variants of a texture. So, either being able to load smaller palettes (16 colour or whatever) or to select a range of colours, or a combination of ranges and or individual palette entries (e.g. using typical shift-click and Ctrl-click selection methods) from a loaded palette might be useful. Then only the colours/palette entries chosen would be applied to the texture. However, I realise that creating fewer than 256 images flies in the face of the program's name. ;)
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Re: 256 Texture Generator

Post by kevansevans »

Gez wrote:Please fix the pallet typo in the program, I can't download it as long as I'm not 100% sure it's gone.
Ask and ye shall receive!

https://github.com/kevansevans/256gener ... es/tag/0.2
Enjay wrote:I also thought that, perhaps, limited palettes might be useful. I might not always want the full 256 variants of a texture. So, either being able to load smaller palettes (16 colour or whatever) or to select a range of colours, or a combination of ranges and or individual palette entries (e.g. using typical shift-click and Ctrl-click selection methods) from a loaded palette might be useful. Then only the colours/palette entries chosen would be applied to the texture. However, I realise that creating fewer than 256 images flies in the face of the program's name. ;)
This is a totally planned feature for the future. I realized it's probably more efficient if a user can specify a set few colors to use instead of digging through 256 versions, especially when I add animation support, but yes the primary option is to make a butt load of textures because sometimes you just need a butt load.
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Re: 256 Texture Generator

Post by kevansevans »

Version 0.3 update!

https://github.com/kevansevans/256gener ... es/tag/0.3

Mostly this is a bit of a QOL update. The source is a lot more clean, the UI is a lot more functional and organized, just better over all.

The Readme got an update as well, so anyone looking to compile the project can do so now with instructions.

Some new stuff got added. Let me first introduce you to Pinky 77.

Pinky 77 here is what happens when you pump a sprite through the program. This is not good, this is pretty useless and requires the user to commit extra work for the outcome that they need. So let me introduce you to this new revolutionary setting called SPRITE MODE.

You see that? Sprite mode is a setting the user can toggle to specifically skip over pixels in the supplied png that are fully transparent. This allows the user to not only recolor textures, but recolor sprites as well! (ignore the black, ZDF is doing that, I promise the assets it generates will look as expected)


Lookit 'im stand proud with his demon brethren~

But that's not all! You can now also control the existing alpha multiplicative! What does this meant? It means adjusting the alpha slider will multiply each qualifying pixel by a percentage value.

We have 0%:


and a max of 500%

(Not that I recommend 500%, but some assets can be very finicky).
Not only that, you can instruct the program to ignore pixels that are fully opaque!

Also the option to invert the currently selected palette is available now:

Yes that's still Pinky 77, and no he's not feeling under the weather.
Spoiler: Also the best thing I have ever created
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Re: 256 Texture Generator

Post by kevansevans »

So sorry it's been awhile, the codebase at hand is going through a major overhaul so manipulation of assets is easier on the backend, and a major UI overhaul is being added, as I'm now using a 3rd party instead of bashing my head over every niche case I might need.

But something to look forward to, I'm adding some new palette options.

Duke 3D palette has been added.
The program will now parse the assets folder and import 16 x 16 cutouts of any .png and .jpg you leave in there, allowing for custom palettes.
Random and Mono-fade is being added

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