David Ferstat wrote:Anyone who plays a game for the first time without reading the docs is asking for whatever they get.
Personally, I don't like a game designer telling me that I must use certain keys for functions, or restricting the number of saved games I may have.
Agreed, that is stupid. These are clearly user preferences the WAD designer shouldn't have any control over. The same would be the 'SUCKS' issue which inexplicably turned out differently.

But gameplay settings are a different matter. These are primarily the responsibility of the mapper. It is a major pain having to set up the engine each time a WAD is started when just because of Enjay the mapper isn't doing it himself. Guess why I make MAPINFOs for each WAD I keep, even the vanilla ones. That way I don't have to bother with reading the text files over and over again just to get the settings right.
One thing in particular that endlessly annoys me is the compatibility options. These should really be controllable by MAPINFO, even if it is most likely the end users who create those lumps for old WADs. As it is they are global and you have to look out every time you start a WAD to get them right. The COMPAT_SHORTTEX flag is particularly annoying because there are many WADS that need this set. So a MAPINFO option for this particular flag would be greatly appreciated.
If I want to cheat I still can change the settings in the menu or the console