Maverick is a Misfit (Model Editor)

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Maverick is a Misfit (Model Editor)

Post by Enjay »

By absolute chance, while trying to find out some information about the IQM model format I noticed a link for Maverick Model 3D.

This is a continuation of the Misfit Model 3D program that I, and others, use for editing MD2 and MD3 models (and it supports more). What's even better is that is is in current development with the latest release being September of 2018!

Already I've noticed a couple of improvements: the main window behaves itself a bit better (Misfit's window always appeared in a strange position for me, regardless of where it had been previously) and it seems to build better normals than Misfit ( viewtopic.php?f=2&t=62350 ).

I haven't had a chance to give it a good workout yet, but it seems functional so far. I'm pretty excited to see a currently maintained version of one of my favourite editing utils, especially as I thought it was basically dead in the water (both the original Misfit Model and Misfit cubed (a continuation) have ceased development). :)

If you use Misfit, it might be worth grabbing this one and giving it a go.

Maverick Model: (Parent site: )

For posterity:
Misfit Model (original):
Misfit Cubed (continuation):
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Re: Maverick is a Misfit (Model Editor)

Post by Apeirogon »

Still lack fbx format.
Time to mess with obj...again...
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Re: Maverick is a Misfit (Model Editor)

Post by Ozymandias81 »

Thank you very much Enjay to let me know of this! Since I am a greedy user of Misfit because of BoA, I knew about that maverick version but it was only for Linux... until a month ago it seems then :D

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