Darkcrafter wrote:Well I still think some users just don't show up for some reasons, some users don't even install steam and so they don't get into statistics.
There's just something you forget. A survey whose number of participants is large enough gives enough data to recognize anomalies.
One anomaly that would have shown if this group of users really existed is a significantly reduced engagement ratio of vintage users. But that wasn't the case, the ratios for modern and vintage release were nearly identical. So your entire assumption would only pan out if the habits of users of the vintage release radically diverged from the users of the modern release - i.e. it would have necessitated both an abnormally high ratio of non-participants on low end hardware and to compensate an abnormally low ratio of vintage users on more modern hardware who were non-participants. And that's very, very unlilkely.
The problem people like you show is that you have no idea how statistics work and how to read statistics to detect such anomalies and factor them out of the decision making. So, rest assured, this user group simply does not exist in the size you make it out to be.
Darkcrafter wrote:
What could be the other reason for increasing popularity of LZDoom here is that if you're a modder or map maker you always want to simplify life for your target audience and you don't know if they have a decent computer or a worse one with incompatible hardware so it simply can't run GZDoom so you put LZDoom into the package.
No, that's something that can be ruled out as a certainty. Content creators are rarely the people who stick to old potato-class hardware - they are also the kind who know best how unsatisfying it will be to run stuff on such toasters and for the most part not bother.
The only people who might consider this are either the users of such old hardware (those who refuse to acknowledge that their hardware is obsolete) or those susceptible to conspiracy theory nutjobbery. Because this is what conspiracy theories are made of - a large and anonymous group of people out there whose existence or non-existence cannot be proven but is needed to exist for making a bogus point.
Darkcrafter wrote:
Simply stupid, unpack or install the contents, click on a "play my mod" link on desktop and immediately play the game. I recently helped a guy from Doom facebook group who couldn't run all these things just because he was too old for this "advanced computer stuff" and so I included freedoom 2, brutal doom and hell on eath starter pack, LZDoom and a couple of *.bat files like "PotatoPC.bat" "FullPower.bat". Man some people even don't know what operating system is or "graphics card" is even so what open gl or vulkan are. Then I got a message from him describing me like good lord above

Yes, those exist. No, those are not the typical Doom user - and no you didn't do him a favor by giving him an old engine version just because you didn't want to go the extra mileage to first check out what his system's specs are.