The GZDoom 3.5.0 survey's results

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Re: The GZDoom 3.5.0 survey's results

Post by Rachael »

If you do that, you'd have to do similar things with [img] tags as well, and that's really not worth it. In the end, external avatars and [img] really do the same thing - they fetch content from an external source on the client-side.

What are AAA dev studios doing as far as forums go? I know it took hell to freeze over before Blizzard even started allowing user-generated content outside of text on their forums.

Also, if Google Chrome wants to block a whole page over one "http://" link, that's a fault with Chrome, not the site. Better browsers simply block the image instead, and they don't even word it funny - they straight up say in a non-scary way "some content was blocked due to your security settings."

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