This is indeed a good idea, might work for an addon. I believe NightFright did a bunch of widescreen-friendly edits of several classic mod HUDs so that may be a good base. I'll see about it in the future.JPL wrote:One idea in case you care: it would be fairly easy with ZScript to display each megawad's custom status bar art, where applicable - simply storing all the statusbar lumps under unique names and then having a trivial bit of UI script to draw the appropriate graphic. I suppose there are other custom graphics in many megawads that aren't seen as well - the help and credits screens, custom menu art / fonts - but those would be a bit tougher to swap in depending on which wad the player was in.
This is strange, I distinctly remember checking that and it producing a green splash (albeit not the same one used by regular doom nukage, but an internal splash of daedalus). Maybe something else broke on the way.SiFi270 wrote:When you land on the green crates (or whatever they are) in the first area of Daedalus map01, there's an orange splash.
I was never able to figure that one out, it may be something related to the translator's battery. Whatever it is, it does not impact gameplay in any way and I've never found it intrusive (I played throughout all of daedalus within compendium)SiFi270 wrote:Also, do you know what's causing those red symbols in the lower right corner of the screen? It may not actually be Compendium's fault, but I figured it was worth asking anyway.
You can take a screenshot of this if you want so I can see what you mean exactly but keep in mind that for the most part I've not touched any of the misaligned textures or other similar problems, fixing every single imperfection is not the point of this project.Camper125Lv wrote:at map VCO19 there is one teleporter textures not correctly aligned
I appear to be unable to reproduce this. Any more steps you can provide for it to be reproduced?Camper125Lv wrote:is it normal that in vilecore i jumped from 14 to 31 then 32 and back to 15 level?
Broken how?Kagur wrote:The level exit in map 02 of Mancubus wad (by shitbag) is broken.