I'm currently working on a mod project for doom 2 using UDMF maps via geometry builder bug fix 64 bit. I am currently using version R3027.
Okay I figured out my scripting problem. I had the height for the raise function set to one. My thinking was the platform would continue moving until it got to the floor height of 120, I figured what height meant was that the platfom floor would move up 1 map unit at a time at a speed of 10 and not how many map units the floor was actually going to move. In the end I discovered that when using < and > on the height check, the switch would only move the platform one unit at a time as long as it was the only function running. If I used == on the height check it would only move 1 unit and since its no longer equal to -8 or 120 the code would do nothing.
Here is what I have now and it seems to work really well.
Code: Select all
SCRIPT 4 (void)
//Nukage Vat Access (Yellow Key) Raise
if (GetSectorFloorZ(171, 0, 0)<104.0)
ChangeFloor (134, "dnsw06of");
FloorandCeiling_RaiseByValue(171, 2, 112);
Floor_RaiseByValue (170, 2, 112);
tagwait (171);
ACS_Execute(5, 0, 0, 0, 0);
script 5 (void)
//Nukage Vat Access (Yellow Key) Lower
if (GetSectorFloorZ(171, 0, 0)>-8.0)
ChangeFloor(134, "dnsw06on");
FloorandCeiling_LowerByValue(171, 2, 112);
Floor_LowerByValue(170, 2, 112);
ACS_Execute(4, 0, 0, 0, 0);