GZDoom 3.3.0 released

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Graf Zahl
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Re: GZDoom 3.3.0 released

Post by Graf Zahl »

Major Cooke wrote: I know a few folks who claim the 32 bit version runs faster than the 64 bit, on their 64x operating system. Their words, not mine.

Yes, I had that problem, too, when my 64 bit system was new. Eventually the drivers managed to make 64 bit just as fast as 32 bit.
So I think I know where the problem is... ;)

It should take no rocket science, that those "32 bit is faster than 64 bit people" ultimately won't be any deterrence if at some future point in time 32 bit support will be removed. It's by no means on the short term roadmap but by now I already treat 32 bit as an afterthought only. All development takes place in 64 bit and gets optimized for 64 bit. I have already seen how much slower both the software renderer and the VM are with so much less CPU registers available, and that's probably going to get worse over time.
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Re: GZDoom 3.3.0 released

Post by Rachael »

HexenMapper wrote:
Gez wrote:'D' isn't a key in WASD? Huh.
'I' Isn't a key in WASD, so it would be hard to trigger IDDQD with it. ;)
You are still confused... it's not accidentally triggering a cheat, it's a cheat triggering movement.
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Re: GZDoom 3.3.0 released

Post by Graf Zahl »

Which it actually does in PrBoom+. quite annoying I might say.
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Re: GZDoom 3.3.0 released

Post by Rachael »

Raspberry Pi build uploaded.
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Re: GZDoom 3.3.0 released

Post by Apeirogon »

Caligari87 wrote: Are you using SLADE? If yes: Saving and then running GZDoom too quickly will make GZDoom try to load the file before SLADE is finished saving. Run GZDoom again and the error goes away.

Its not working. I meet such error today, did as you said and it still be there. Even more, after second run I save archive and slade again, went to make myself a cup of tea (~10 minutes), return and run gzdoom several times, with same error message.
Or slade cant save 70 Kb archive in ten minutes or this feature of gzdoom.
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Re: GZDoom 3.3.0 released

Post by NightFright »

Graf Zahl wrote:[...] Regarding "GUS patch", if you want to get something working, download EAWPats from /idgames. You may have to fix its .cfg file, but once you got that done and zip it up you have a really nice sound font for Timidity++ and WildMidi.
Here is a version of EAWPats (PK3, 24 MB) ready to be used in global autoload or for manual loading that works out-of-the-box with GZDoom. I also see the integrated Timidity++ version got rid of the bug with short breaks before looping music tracks. Well done indeed!

*UPDATE Feb 19, 2020*
Optimized eawpats.pk3 (size shrunk from 36 to 24 MB by removing needless files)
Last edited by NightFright on Wed Feb 19, 2020 10:27 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: GZDoom 3.3.0 released

Post by Graf Zahl »

NightFright wrote:I also see the integrated Timidity++ version got rid of the bug with short breaks before looping music tracks. Well done indeed!
That came automatically with how it works. The EXE completely restarted the sequencer when a song ended, but ZDoom's sequencer sends a continuous stream of events, so no breaks.
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Re: GZDoom 3.3.0 released

Post by Korell »

Is there any performance difference between using FluidSynth and Timidity++? Just wondering if one is better to use than the other, or whether it really is just down to user preference here.
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Re: GZDoom 3.3.0 released

Post by NightFright »

I think if you use EAWPats, Timidity++ is the best option since its included config files have been optimized for it. Patch93's SC-55 soundfont sounds best with Fluidsynth. According to the ZDoom wiki, Timidity++ uses less CPU power than Fluidsynth, but I dunno if that is still a factor when using a modern system.

In general, I had the impression that GUS patches (.pat) are a Timidity++ thing while soundfonts (.sf2) should be handled by Fluidsynth.
Last edited by NightFright on Wed Mar 28, 2018 8:26 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: GZDoom 3.3.0 released

Post by Graf Zahl »

I could run the music with whatever synth even in the same thread as the game and not notice any performance loss. On modern systems the overhead is way too small to register.
Regarding preference, I've yet to find anything that sounds ok to me in FluidSynth. That was the main reason I did the Timidity++ port, because the external EXE just became too annoying.
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Re: GZDoom 3.3.0 released

Post by Chris »

I've not noticed any performance difference between FluidSynth and Timidity++. Although, I've found libadl to have serious performance problems (music regularly underruns after a bit of time). It doesn't seem to block the main thread, so the game and sound effects keeps going, but the adlmidi render can take significant time.
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Re: GZDoom 3.3.0 released

Post by Graf Zahl »

Debug or optimized? I haven't even had problems with a debug build and libADL.
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Re: GZDoom 3.3.0 released

Post by Chris »

Graf Zahl wrote:Debug or optimized? I haven't even had problems with a debug build and libADL.
Mostly optimized (RelWithDebInfo). Given about a minute under perf, I see:

Code: Select all

  Children      Self  Command      Shared Object               Symbol
+   30.18%    29.98%  gzdoom       gzdoom                      [.] OPL3_Generate
+   12.73%    12.59%  gzdoom       gzdoom                      [.] OPL3_EnvelopeCalc
+    3.64%     3.62%  gzdoom       gzdoom                      [.] OPL3_EnvelopeGenOff
+    3.32%     3.30%  gzdoom       gzdoom                      [.] OPL3_EnvelopeGenRelease
30% of the entire execution time is devoted to OPL3_Generate, almost 13% to OPL3_EnvelopeCalc, etc. This is using a very recent version of this GENMIDI bank: https://github.com/sneakernets/DMXOPL/b ... GS%29.wopl (renamed to GENMIDI.wopl, loaded with the -file command line option, and setting libadl to use it via its option). I don't know how much of an effect the sound bank can have on performance, but it's still a very severe hit.
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Re: GZDoom 3.3.0 released

Post by NightFright »

I was wondering: Is there any particular advantage/difference between Timidity and Wildmidi now? As far as I can tell, they sound pretty much the same with EAWPats.
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Re: GZDoom 3.3.0 released

Post by Korell »

Well, I've given EAWPats a try but I don't think it's for me. It doesn't sound like how I've always been used to Doom sounding, as I used FMOD until it was removed, then moved to FluidSynth using the provided gzdoom.sf2 soundfont. I'll give Timidity++ a try now that no executables and configs are needed. Maybe it will stop those odd pauses I get the first time I find a secret area in a map (though I'd be surprised if it did as that seems more like a sound cache issue and not something to do with the MIDI player). I might also give Patch93's SC-55 Soundfont v2.2 a try, too.

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