GZDoom 3.3.0 released

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Re: GZDoom 3.3.0 released

Post by Rachael »

HexenMapper wrote:WASD isn't going to trigger IDDQD - not sure which "modern control keys" involves I, D and Q in very quick or often used succession. I is a long way from Q and D. In my many years of using WASD on doom I have never accidentally triggered a cheat.

The old school doomers will easily use .cfg / .ini files and have no problem with bindings, but its the newcomers who it would be nice to cater to. Imagine someone sees an interesting video of a doom mod, goes to download GZDoom and then has to wade through settings and bindings for many minutes before being able to get an acceptable looking and playing game. Some may never even notice the sprite smoothing and play with those awful smoothed sprites the and think this just what doom is like...
You misunderstood me. But it's not worth the discussion anyhow, I am not interested in an argument. You made your point, I made mine, I disagree, that's the end of that.

If it's that important to you, make a feature suggestion - but a news release thread is the wrong place for it.
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Re: GZDoom 3.3.0 released

Post by Caligari87 »

Apeirogon wrote:
Graf Zahl wrote:This doesn't happen on Windows.
No, this happens on windows too.

Like, I miss ";" in the end of a line, or type "variable nam" instead of "variabl name", or some other misspelling due old notebook keyboard. Not a big deal.
And gzdoom point me to this error
"line with error "path/to/file.txt" unexpected identifer, expected ";" or "class" or "}" or "struct" or "anything else". "
But he/it/gzdoom also founds "errors" in other files, which before misspelling in new part of code work perfectly and dont trigger error message, and which disappear after I fix true error.

I faced this many times, and thought that this is feature of gzdoom. I must report it, with file which cause its, or what?
I've noticed this happening recently too, and I think figured out what it is.

Are you using SLADE? If yes: Saving and then running GZDoom too quickly will make GZDoom try to load the file before SLADE is finished saving. Run GZDoom again and the error goes away.

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Re: GZDoom 3.3.0 released

Post by Korell »

Okay, having just found out that you can specify additional soundfont folders within the ini files, for my Doom 64 Retribution installation I've added the mod folder to its ini file so that DOOMSND.SF2 only shows up for this one mod (as it is the only mod I have that uses it as it was made specifically for Doom 64 Retribution) meaning I can keep the soundfont with the mod files and not have it interfere with the other soundfonts I have (including the gzdoom.sf2).

This said, I still think that the default values for the following should be set so that the provided gzdoom.sf2 is always defaulted to for the relevant MIDI players, as currently they default to empty values, or timidity.cfg (which seems odd as timidity.cfg isn't an SF2, so can you specify other types of files for these options?).

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Re: GZDoom 3.3.0 released

Post by Graf Zahl »

Oops. Looks I completely forgot about changing these...
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Re: GZDoom 3.3.0 released

Post by Csonicgo »

I'm so glad LIBADL is now included! Now DMXOPL is in GZDoom as bank 72.
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Re: GZDoom 3.3.0 released

Post by Matt »

Collegia Titanica wrote:Why did my sound change after this update ? I feel like I've lost quality and haven't changed any setting.
I noticed this too, then I went into advanced sound options and turned off HRTF and everything was fine.

EDIT: I keep getting this warning:
libWildMidi(_WM_InitReader:53): ERROR Unable to load (No such file or directory)
fluidsynth: warning: Failed to pin the sample data to RAM; swapping is possible.
Unable to create WildMidi MIDI device. Falling back to FluidSynth
I don't have WildMidi installed and I don't have it selected and it doesn't show up as an option in the menu. Should I try to install WildMidi and recompile? (there doesn't seem to be a wildmidi-dev sort of package in the Debian respository)
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Re: GZDoom 3.3.0 released

Post by Graf Zahl »

Graf Zahl wrote:Some early numbers from the survey after getting 500 reports:

- 10% of reporting users run GZDoom with software rendering
- 5% of reporting users run OpenGL 2.0
- 1% of users run Windows XP
- No users so far run on hardware so old that it triggers the legacy paths for the software renderer.
After roughly 800 samples the numbers seem to solidify with slightly less than 10% using the software renderer, and slightly less than 5% using Legacy OpenGL.
Windows XP is utterly irrelevant and so are the legacy paths in the software renderer, which right now have one legitimate user reporting their use.
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Re: GZDoom 3.3.0 released

Post by Graf Zahl »

Matt wrote: Unable to create WildMidi MIDI device. Falling back to FluidSynth
I don't have WildMidi installed and I don't have it selected and it doesn't show up as an option in the menu. Should I try to install WildMidi and recompile? (there doesn't seem to be a wildmidi-dev sort of package in the Debian respository)[/quote]

WildMidi's error messages are a true horror. What it wants to tell you is that you have no sound font available for it (it only works with GUS patch sets.)
That package won't do you any good because its contents are integrated into GZDoom, but altered to be driven by an external sequencer.
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Re: GZDoom 3.3.0 released

Post by Graf Zahl »

Here's one very odd thing I discovered in the numbers.

There have been 200 downloads for the 32 bit version.
Only 64 reports were made for use of a 32 bit Windows OS.
But 130 reports were made for use of the 32 bit EXE on a 64 bit OS!

What's up here?
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Re: GZDoom 3.3.0 released

Post by Collegia Titanica »

I noticed this too, then I went into advanced sound options and turned off HRTF and everything was fine.
You are right! I turned it off and it's back to normal :)

Anyway is there a way I can manually fire up the survey thingy ? I quickly clicked [No], but I'd like to help you out with data, by all means move towards more modern platforms,architectures, turn this engine to it's maximum, with all sorts of lighting, shadows and all that good stuff.
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Re: GZDoom 3.3.0 released

Post by Rachael »

Look for sys_statsenabled in your ini and remove it.
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Re: GZDoom 3.3.0 released

Post by Major Cooke »

Graf Zahl wrote:Here's one very odd thing I discovered in the numbers.

There have been 200 downloads for the 32 bit version.
Only 64 reports were made for use of a 32 bit Windows OS.
But 130 reports were made for use of the 32 bit EXE on a 64 bit OS!

What's up here?
I know a few folks who claim the 32 bit version runs faster than the 64 bit, on their 64x operating system. Their words, not mine.
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Re: GZDoom 3.3.0 released

Post by HexenMapper »

Gez wrote:'D' isn't a key in WASD? Huh.
'I' Isn't a key in WASD, so it would be hard to trigger IDDQD with it. ;)
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Re: GZDoom 3.3.0 released

Post by Matt »

Graf Zahl wrote:WildMidi's error messages are a true horror. What it wants to tell you is that you have no sound font available for it (it only works with GUS patch sets.)
That package won't do you any good because its contents are integrated into GZDoom, but altered to be driven by an external sequencer.
I'm looking up "gus patch" on Synaptic but the only two things that come up have already been installed. Is there anything I can do to get rid of this stupid error message???

EDIT: lol I've had WildMidi selected this whole time, please disregard
(Can we please eventually have the "midi device" selection placed somewhere remotely close to the "midi player options"?)
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Re: GZDoom 3.3.0 released

Post by Graf Zahl »

The entire options menu is in need of getting reorganized, not just the sounds menu.

For me the biggest problem is that "Display options" mixes so many different things together. Most of it comes from a time when ZDoom only had one renderer.

Regarding "GUS patch", if you want to get something working, download EAWPats from /idgames. You may have to fix its .cfg file, but once you got that done and zip it up you have a really nice sound font for Timidity++ and WildMidi.

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