1) The AngleOffset parameter in MODELDEF does nothing in my case.(works for other models)
2) If I put
Code: Select all
METE A 0 A_SetAngle (90+Angle, 0, AAPTR_DEFAULT)
To Combat This, I've rotated the model itself in Blender by 90 degrees and it's ok now, although AO still doesn't change the angle as it should. Now for the actual problem
3)The Pitch. No matter what, A_SetPitch or PitchOffset don't work. At all. The projectile is always flat.
I will post the relevant code below.
The Objective: To make the missile adjust angle and pitch constantly as it's moving.
However, I don't know how, or why pitching doesn't seem to work.
Code: Select all
Model Meteor
Path "Models/Meteor"
Model 0 "meteor.md3"
scale 50 50 50
frameindex METE A 0 0
AngleOffset 90 //Does nothing
Code: Select all
ACTOR Meteor
Radius 4
Height 2
Speed 30
Damage (random (340, 350))
DamageType Explosive
MeleeDamage 0
Scale 0.5
Decal "Scorch"
SeeSound "weapons/RLL"
DeathSound "Explosion"
Obituary "$OB_MPROCKET"
Species "Marines"
TNT1 A 0
TNT1 A 1 A_PlaySound("PAC/PACFIR", 6, 1.0)
// METE A 0 A_SetPitch (sin(momz)/cos(momx), 0, AAPTR_DEFAULT)
METE A 0 A_SetPitch (-45, 0, AAPTR_DEFAULT)
// METE A 0 A_SetAngle (90+Angle, 0, AAPTR_DEFAULT)
METE A 1 BRIGHT A_CustomMissile("RocketBackblast", 0, 0, 180, 2, 0+pitch)
METE A 1 Bright
METE AAAAA 1 A_SpawnItem("RocketFlare",-20,0)
METE AAAAA 1 A_SpawnItem ("OldschoolRocketSmokeTrail2")
METE AAAAA 1 A_CustomMissile ("OldschoolRocketSmokeTrail2", 2, 0, random (160, 210), 2, random (-30, 30))
Goto Seek
TNT1 A 0
METE AAAAAA 0 A_SpawnItem("RocketFlare",-20,0)
METE AAAAAA 0 A_SpawnItem ("OldschoolRocketSmokeTrail2")
METE AAAAAA 0 A_CustomMissile ("OldschoolRocketSmokeTrail2", 2, 0, random (160, 210), 2, random (-30, 30))
METE A 0 A_PlaySound("PAC/PACMIS", 7, 1.0)
Goto SMissile
TNT1 A 0 A_Tracer2
METE A 0 A_FaceTracer(0, 0, 0, 0, FAF_TOP)
// METE A 0 A_SetPitch (45-pitch, 0, AAPTR_DEFAULT)
METE A 1 A_SeekerMissile(7, 11, SMF_PRECISE)
METE A 0 A_SpawnItem("RocketFlare",-20,0)
METE A 0 A_SpawnItem ("OldschoolRocketSmokeTrail2")
METE A 0 A_CustomMissile ("OldschoolRocketSmokeTrail2", 2, 0, random (160, 210), 2, random (-30, 30))
METE A 0 Bright A_ScaleVelocity(1.55)