[Zscript] Checking mobility for choosing turn direction

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[Zscript] Checking mobility for choosing turn direction

Post by Uberkreatur »

Monster (red square) with CHF_DONTTURN flag was walking to his target and bumped into wall or obstacle. The monster can rotate on a limited angle by a step. It must choose optimal direction to turn. Best way to do this is to check 2 positions with Y offset by 1 and -1 relative to the monster. If one position is unreachable, the monster turns in the opposite direction.

How to do this in Zscript? Functions are still documented badly compared to the decorate. if(TryMove) cant do this without physically moving a monster (also I didnt find, how "FCheckPosition" parameter works). SetXYZ+CheckBlock works strange, giving inadequate results.
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Re: [Zscript] Checking mobility for choosing turn direction

Post by Uberkreatur »

Upd: solved by rude way.

Code: Select all

				vector3 oldpos = pos;
				if (!TryMove(Vec2Angle(speed,angle+90), false))
				if (!TryMove(Vec2Angle(speed,angle-90), false))

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