Weapon recoil?

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Re: Weapon recoil?

Post by Matt »

Skelegant wrote:I think that works well for a powerful weapon with a longish loading time (like the SSG), but if someone's sensitive to that kind of thing, then a pitch/fov changing AA12 would probably give them a cranial hernia
^^^ this is the better way of putting what I was trying to get at with "How many shots does it take to kill a typical monster?". Because you really don't want to have a huge amount for a weapon when you're going to be holding down M1 and waling away at the target for an extended period of time instead of just 1- to 3-shotting them and moving along.
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Re: Weapon recoil?

Post by 4thcharacter »

It doesn't fit well in Doom, and most of the time it's used wrongly or in excessive amounts. Don't really get the hype in it.

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