The consensus I'm seeing on Discord says that most people who used it wrong simply weren't aware it could break things. I haven't ever done menus but in my mind when I considered doing a standalone game the first thing I thought was "do I really have to redefine all the regular menus? Aw, that's gonna be a pain..." I didn't realize there was a right and wrong way
It's like the ZScript documentation: If you don't tell people how to do it, documentation will go wrong. Much like the sounds and FMod issue of mistaking formats for actual sound effects Simply
telling people wasn't enough, because not everyone sees every post, and not every user can be expected to go into the source and figure out how it works. Most of us simply don't understand it that well so we rely on the wiki and word of mouth.
Unfortunately the time for a drastic move like this is past. That ship has sailed, and breaking old mods is just going to create
more headaches than already existed from people who had to deal with overridden menus. Weasel is right, modders and users are starting to distrust newer versions and it's hurting everyone. Rachael's solution sounds forward-thinking and user-friendly enough for me, so I'm gonna throw my support to that, for whatever it's worth.