For me, it's anywhere. Just firing up the game on MAP01, shooting the pistol and hearing the monster wake-up sounds is enough for me to hear it not sound as good. Lack of richness would be a reasnable description. I'm just about to go out for the day so I can't record anything right now but if you need me to, I can later on.Nash wrote:For the "Fmod somehow sounds better", this can be investigated with a spectrum analyzer. Enjay, can you provide a scenario where you can clearly distinguish the "richness" difference you describe between the 2 sound systems? If we can record that scene's audio and run them through an SA, it'll reveal better results.
Also, I notice that when I start up with OpenAL I get an in-your-face yellow message telling me that my speaker device is being opened. Given that this isn't actually an error, any chance it could be toned down a bit please? (Maybe it's just overt in this debugging phase anyway?)
Spoiler:I look out for brightly coloured messages whizzing past when I start the game as a clue to errors with whichever mod I might be working with and this just muddies the water for me.