This keeps getting brought up, so I figured we, as developers, should respond to this officially and more visibly.Since Graf and company are going to maintain the ZDoom sites; why not take over the project. Hate to see ZDoom itself die out, would be nice to see the three ports merge to one ... [and become] the new official ZDoom as a single port.
That is not our project to do that with. If Randi wanted that to happen she would have voiced her support of it by now. As it is, the ZDoom repository stands essentially abandoned, pretty much in the same state that it was when Graf first decided to stop pushing to it.
We know Randi has her reasons, but she has not told us, so it's better to just let this issue die. Everyone has a lot of feelings about ZDoom - and I am not an exception to this - I'd love to see that, too.
But GZDoom, also, means a lot to many of us, and Graf is still maintaining that and keeping it alive and kicking.
I know this post won't stop people from asking, but at least now the issue is officially addressed.