ZDoom is Dead. Long live ZDoom.

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Re: ZDoom is Dead. Long live ZDoom.

Post by Enjay »

To be fair, in my dealings with the press over the years (of which there have been quite a few occasions for various reasons) there's no such thing as an accurate article. It's just a question of how many or few inaccuracies there will be. My dad had a job that meant he was featured in the local news many times over the 20+ years he was involved and I don't even think they got his name right once (and it's not a particularly difficult one).
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Re: ZDoom is Dead. Long live ZDoom.

Post by Rachael »

Wow - that's a long track record for getting someone's name wrong.

I am not used to dealing with the press so I have no idea the nuances as such. The article at least spells my real name correctly, though. :)
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Re: ZDoom is Dead. Long live ZDoom.

Post by Enjay »

The very worst situation, where I got to see some of the darker side of the press showing what their agenda needed them to show rather than what they actually saw and captured on film and interview, was a long time ago when I (with others at my work) spent almost an entire week entertaining and allowing access to a film and reporting crew from a nationally recognised and respected organisation. The programme that was broadcast on a high-profile national television series was, shall we say, less then representative of the truth.

But that's a story for another time and place; perhaps one less public than here.
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Re: ZDoom is Dead. Long live ZDoom.

Post by Rachael »

Ugh. :( Sorry that happened to you.
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Re: ZDoom is Dead. Long live ZDoom.

Post by Graf Zahl »

Eruanna wrote:Wow - that's a long track record for getting someone's name wrong.

Tell me about it. Having a name that's easily misspelled I had to deal with that problem for nearly my entire life.
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Re: ZDoom is Dead. Long live ZDoom.

Post by Herculine R. »

A note of long overdue thanks to the creators of the ZDoom and GZDoom sourceports.

I recently had the opportunity to try the DOSBox versions of the original Doom games being offered by GoG.com. The experience made me realize that over the past few years I've forgotten what the original games are like without any enhancements and that I've become a bit complacent playing them with ZDoom and GZDoom, that I've taken the sourceports a bit for granted and never actually thanked their creators.

Thus I'm taking this opportunity to stop by the forums of both sourceports to say thank you to Randy Heit for ZDoom and to Graf Zahl for GZDoom, as well as to the DRD Team and everyone who has made these projects successful. Thank you all for all the work you've put into these sourceports that allow us to continue to enjoy Doom with functionality and visuals that keep the game a pleasure to play even on the newest of computers.

Thank you all!
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Re: ZDoom is Dead. Long live ZDoom.

Post by Rachael »

Herculine R. wrote:A note of long overdue thanks to the creators of the ZDoom and GZDoom sourceports.

I recently had the opportunity to try the DOSBox versions of the original Doom games being offered by GoG.com. The experience made me realize that over the past few years I've forgotten what the original games are like without any enhancements and that I've become a bit complacent playing them with ZDoom and GZDoom, that I've taken the sourceports a bit for granted and never actually thanked their creators.

Thus I'm taking this opportunity to stop by the forums of both sourceports to say thank you to Randy Heit for ZDoom and to Graf Zahl for GZDoom, as well as to the DRD Team and everyone who has made these projects successful. Thank you all for all the work you've put into these sourceports that allow us to continue to enjoy Doom with functionality and visuals that keep the game a pleasure to play even on the newest of computers.

Thank you all!
I've said it before I'll say it again -

I think we all owe a great deal to Randi and Graf, and now also dpJudas as well. The least I can do is try and do my part as long as I can. :)
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Re: ZDoom is Dead. Long live ZDoom.

Post by Enjay »

Eruanna wrote:I think we all owe a great deal to Randi and Graf, and now also dpJudas as well. The least I can do is try and do my part as long as I can. :)
Absolutely, I couldn't agree more. Randi and Graf (and of course more recently dpJudas) have, by their efforts, genuinely given thousands of people something fun to spend their time doing, provided opportunities for learning and experience, hosted and led a community and, actually, been pretty damned selfless in their contributions to that community.

But, at the risk of sounding like an inexorable sycophant and making this whole thread seem like one of those speeches given at an awards ceremony by a blubbering actor, that Eruanna person has been doing a helluva lot to support the community for years too. Her time and money has been ploughed into the DRD site. It has hosted (and continues to host) some very important ports and projects. She is also a developer of QZDoom as well as stepping up to be an admin for this site. She is most definitely due thanks for her unwavering support of the community. Thank you.
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Re: ZDoom is Dead. Long live ZDoom.

Post by Rachael »

Thank you, Enjay. ^_^ :3
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Re: ZDoom is Dead. Long live ZDoom.

Post by Herculine R. »

...that Eruanna person has been doing a helluva lot to support the community for years too.
Indeed! I also did not want my message to become rambling adulation and I assumed that Eruanna would infer her inclusion in my thanks to the whole DRD Team... but yes, she definitely deserves thanks as well.
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Re: ZDoom is Dead. Long live ZDoom.

Post by JudgeDeadd »

I've only just now saw this. Pretty shocking news, even if it doesn't actually mean the "end" of ZDoom, which presumably shall live on as GZDoom.

I'd like to give my huge thanks to Randy Heit for all his work. ZDoom is without a doubt my favorite source port -- it just seems to have a sort of a specific "feel" which makes playing Doom feel very smooth and fun, and in fact this might be the port that's kept me such a fan of the game over the years.
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Re: ZDoom is Dead. Long live ZDoom.

Post by Herculine R. »

ZDoom is without a doubt my favorite source port -- it just seems to have a sort of a specific "feel" which makes playing Doom feel very smooth and fun, and in fact this might be the port that's kept me such a fan of the game over the years.
That's how I feel as well. I've tried other sourceports both before and after discovering ZDoom, but the ZDoom family of sourceports remains my choice for functionality, flexibility, versatility and modability all in a package that's easy to use even for those of us who are not coders or programmers. I continue to recommend them to anyone wanting to get back into the game.
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Re: ZDoom is Dead. Long live ZDoom.

Post by HeXaGoN »

ZDoom was more than just something to mess around with in my free time, it was the thing that got me into programming in the first place.
Thank you for your work, Randi. :)
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Re: ZDoom is Dead. Long live ZDoom.

Post by 3371-Alpha »

That's too bad, I really licked zDoom. I guess this means that, like DOSBox, the only new releases now will be svn builds.
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Re: ZDoom is Dead. Long live ZDoom.

Post by Arctangent »

There won't be any dev builds, either. If you want ZDoom-style stuff that's up-to-date, you'll need to stick to GZDoom or QZDoom.

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