GZDB plugin: 3D floor mode

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Re: GZDB plugin: 3D floor mode

Post by whirledtsar »

Kappes Buur wrote:
fluffyshambler wrote:Great plugin, very helpful. I've run into an issue though. Attempting to resize the control sector zone in GZDB R3060 results in a crash.
Did you check the link in the post above yours?
Ah, didn't notice that, thought I already had the latest version. Nevermind then.
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Kappes Buur
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Re: GZDB plugin: 3D floor mode

Post by Kappes Buur »

In november you showed us this teaser of the experimental phase


I'm just wondering if this new plugin is near to be published.
Really looking forward to it. :)
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Re: GZDB plugin: 3D floor mode

Post by Kappes Buur »

So, I tried to follow the steps in your video, but with no success.
I cannot find anything to enable Visual Slope Handles.
How can I make it work?

Comparing the file size of the ThreeDFloorMode.dll plugin with the
one in regular UDB (r3352 or previous), they are both 144kB.

I did notice MoonSharp.Interpreter.dll as an added file in Dependencies.
Is that in any way involved with it?
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Re: GZDB plugin: 3D floor mode

Post by boris »

It's not related to the 3D floor mode. Right now you have to hold alt to show them. That the MoonSharp stuff is there is a mistake.

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