Any utility that assists in the creation of mods, assets, etc, go here. For example: Ultimate Doom Builder, Slade, WadSmoosh, Oblige, etc.
Forum rules The Projects forums are ONLY for YOUR PROJECTS! If you are asking questions about a project, either find that project's thread, or start a thread in the General section instead.
Just an idea, but ....
Since both are named ThreeDFloorMode.dll, are you certain that you use the correct one?
The only way to distinguish them from another is by their size: x86 is 140 kB and x64 is 151 kB
I'm using the 64bit version (152 kb) I've tried using a 32bit version of builder with the 32 bit version of the plugin same goes for the 64 bit build(s) Unfortunately seeing as I can't see a proper error log to display why the DLL isn't being read, I / we will never know why this just suddenly started happening.
its funny how spoiled I got when I used this plugin and suddenly can't use it anymore, it hurts real bad when you try and make some fancy 3D Floors and go, oh... right I have to do it the old way xD
I had another look at your earlier post, where you mention reinstalling GZDBBF and it got me thinking that, if I tell you about my installation of the editor, it might spark something.
Since you mention installing, did you install in Program Files or in a folder away from Program Files?
Did you do an uninstall or just a delete?
What I usually do is, I create a new folder for each new version I download from DRDteam archive, for example:
and simply unzip the 7z file there. I never use the Updater.exe. As a matter of fact, it's disabled in F5.
So, over time, I accumulate several versions, at the moment 34 from r2808 on, all in their own folders. Of course I cull the older versions. However, on a separate drive I retain every version I downloaded.
I know that GZDBBF creates a config file in AppData and overwrites it every time when you save a pwad. But every so often I delete the config file and let GZDBBF create a new one. Just in case.
Since I use custom colours, I copy/paste those from a previously renamed config file.
I used to have .NET Framework 3.5 installed but somehow it no longer is present. I guess that Windows Automatic Update took care of that. The interesting fact about that is, that the older versions of the editor seem to like the new arrangement.
I still have 3 versions of SlimDX installed. What I do not know is, if they are still needed, so I am keeping them.
Knock on wood, my computer seems very happy with the arrangement.
I use the term install for taking the zip archive and putting it on my 2nd drive, I leave my SSD for my os, all my doom stuff is in Dropbox on my 2nd drive, so if my pc dies randomly I can recover my projects. I'll have a look about finding this setting in appdata maybe thats causing an issue? maybe some conflicting issue? i'll keep you posted if i find an issue
"Loading plugins...
Loading plugin "ThreeDFloorMode" from "ThreeDFloorMode.dll"...
ERROR: Could not load plugin "ThreeDFloorMode.dll", the DLL file could not be read. This file is not supposed to be in the Plugins subdirectory."
Thats what the log keeps telling me, when I launch the builder.
I don't know why I didn't recall this earlier, there is a trace of what GZDBBF is doing in the form of a logfile GZBuilder.log, which is located in AppData as well (C:\Users\1200\AppData\Local\Doom Builder\)
A typical logfile for me looks like this
GZDoom Builder R3018 (e9c83d0) startup
Application path: "H:\PWAD_EDITING\GZDB_BF\GZDoom_Builder_Bugfix-r3018-x64"
Temporary path: "C:\Users\1200\AppData\Local\Temp\"
Local settings path: "C:\Users\1200\AppData\Local\Doom Builder"
Command-line arguments: ""
Loading program configuration...
Starting action manager...
Binding static action methods for class General...
Loading main interface window...
Binding action methods for MainForm object...
Showing main interface window...
Starting Direct3D graphics driver...
Loading plugins...
Loading plugin "BuilderModes" from "BuilderModes.dll"...
Binding action methods for BuilderPlug object...
Loading plugin "AutomapMode" from "AutomapMode.dll"...
Binding action methods for BuilderPlug object...
Loading plugin "BuilderEffects" from "BuilderEffects.dll"...
Binding action methods for BuilderPlug object...
Loading plugin "ColorPicker" from "ColorPicker.dll"...
Binding action methods for BuilderPlug object...
Loading plugin "CommentsPanel" from "CommentsPanel.dll"...
Loading plugin "NodesViewer" from "NodesViewer.dll"...
Binding action methods for BuilderPlug object...
Loading plugin "SoundPropagationMode" from "SoundPropagationMode.dll"...
Binding action methods for BuilderPlug object...
Loading plugin "StairSectorBuilder" from "StairSectorBuilder.dll"...
Binding action methods for BuilderPlug object...
Loading plugin "TagExplorer" from "TagExplorer.dll"...
Loading plugin "TagRange" from "TagRange.dll"...
Binding action methods for BuilderPlug object...
Loading plugin "ThreeDFloorMode" from "ThreeDFloorMode.dll"...
Binding action methods for BuilderPlug object...
Loading plugin "VisplaneExplorer" from "VisplaneExplorer.dll"...
Loading game configurations...
Registered game configuration "Boom: Doom 2 (Doom format)" from "Boom_Doom2Doom.cfg"
Registered game configuration "Boom: Doom (Doom format)" from "Boom_DoomDoom.cfg"
Registered game configuration "Doom: Doom 2 (Doom format)" from "Doom_Doom2Doom.cfg"
Registered game configuration "Doom: Doom (Doom format)" from "Doom_DoomDoom.cfg"
Registered game configuration "Eternity: Doom 2 (Doom format)" from "Eternity_Doom2Doom.cfg"
Registered game configuration "Eternity: Doom 2 (UDMF)" from "Eternity_DoomUDMF.cfg"
Registered game configuration "GZDoom: Doom 2 (Doom format)" from "GZDoom_DoomDoom.cfg"
Registered game configuration "GZDoom: Doom 2 (Hexen format)" from "GZDoom_DoomHexen.cfg"
Registered game configuration "GZDoom: Doom 2 (UDMF)" from "GZDoom_DoomUDMF.cfg"
Registered game configuration "GZDoom: Heretic (Doom format)" from "GZDoom_HereticDoom.cfg"
Registered game configuration "GZDoom: Heretic (Hexen format)" from "GZDoom_HereticHexen.cfg"
Registered game configuration "GZDoom: Heretic (UDMF)" from "GZDoom_HereticUDMF.cfg"
Registered game configuration "GZDoom: Hexen (Hexen format)" from "GZDoom_HexenHexen.cfg"
Registered game configuration "GZDoom: Hexen (UDMF)" from "GZDoom_HexenUDMF.cfg"
Registered game configuration "GZDoom: Strife (Doom format)" from "GZDoom_StrifeDoom.cfg"
Registered game configuration "GZDoom: Strife (Hexen format)" from "GZDoom_StrifeHexen.cfg"
Registered game configuration "GZDoom: Strife (UDMF)" from "GZDoom_StrifeUDMF.cfg"
Registered game configuration "Heretic: Heretic (Doom format)" from "Heretic_HereticDoom.cfg"
Registered game configuration "Hexen: Hexen (Hexen format)" from "Hexen_HexenHexen.cfg"
Registered game configuration "Strife: Strife (Doom format)" from "Strife_StrifeDoom.cfg"
Registered game configuration "Zandronum: Doom 2 (Doom format)" from "Zandronum_DoomDoom.cfg"
Registered game configuration "Zandronum: Doom 2 (Hexen format)" from "Zandronum_DoomHexen.cfg"
Registered game configuration "Zandronum: Doom 2 (UDMF)" from "Zandronum_DoomUDMF.cfg"
Registered game configuration "Zandronum: Heretic (Doom format)" from "Zandronum_HereticDoom.cfg"
Registered game configuration "Zandronum: Heretic (Hexen format)" from "Zandronum_HereticHexen.cfg"
Registered game configuration "Zandronum: Heretic (UDMF)" from "Zandronum_HereticUDMF.cfg"
Registered game configuration "Zandronum: Hexen (Hexen format)" from "Zandronum_HexenHexen.cfg"
Registered game configuration "Zandronum: Hexen (UDMF)" from "Zandronum_HexenUDMF.cfg"
Registered game configuration "Zandronum: Strife (Doom format)" from "Zandronum_StrifeDoom.cfg"
Registered game configuration "Zandronum: Strife (Hexen format)" from "Zandronum_StrifeHexen.cfg"
Registered game configuration "Zandronum: Strife (UDMF)" from "Zandronum_StrifeUDMF.cfg"
Registered game configuration "ZDaemon: Doom 2 (Hexen format)" from "ZDaemon_DoomHexen.cfg"
Registered game configuration "ZDoom: Doom 2 (Doom format)" from "ZDoom_DoomDoom.cfg"
Registered game configuration "ZDoom: Doom 2 (Hexen format)" from "ZDoom_DoomHexen.cfg"
Registered game configuration "ZDoom: Doom 2 (UDMF)" from "ZDoom_DoomUDMF.cfg"
Registered game configuration "ZDoom: Heretic (Doom format)" from "ZDoom_HereticDoom.cfg"
Registered game configuration "ZDoom: Heretic (Hexen format)" from "ZDoom_HereticHexen.cfg"
Registered game configuration "ZDoom: Heretic (UDMF)" from "ZDoom_HereticUDMF.cfg"
Registered game configuration "ZDoom: Hexen (Hexen format)" from "ZDoom_HexenHexen.cfg"
Registered game configuration "ZDoom: Hexen (UDMF)" from "ZDoom_HexenUDMF.cfg"
Registered game configuration "ZDoom: Strife (Doom format)" from "ZDoom_StrifeDoom.cfg"
Registered game configuration "ZDoom: Strife (Hexen format)" from "ZDoom_StrifeHexen.cfg"
Registered game configuration "ZDoom: Strife (UDMF)" from "ZDoom_StrifeUDMF.cfg"
Creating editing modes manager...
Binding action methods for EditingManager object...
Applying configuration settings...
Loading compiler configurations...
Registered compiler configuration "bcc" from "bcc.cfg"
Registered compiler configuration "hexen_acc" from "acc.cfg"
Registered compiler configuration "bspw32" from "bsp-w32.cfg"
Registered compiler configuration "deepbsp" from "deepbsp.cfg"
Registered compiler configuration "glbsp" from "glBSP.cfg"
Registered compiler configuration "zdbsp" from "zdbsp.cfg"
Registered compiler configuration "zennode" from "ZenNode.cfg"
Registered compiler configuration "zandronum_acc" from "acc.cfg"
Registered compiler configuration "zdaemon_acc" from "acc.cfg"
Registered compiler configuration "zdoom_acc" from "acc.cfg"
Loading nodebuilder configurations...
Registered nodebuilder configuration "bspw32_normal" from "bsp-w32.cfg"
Registered nodebuilder configuration "bspw32_fast" from "bsp-w32.cfg"
Registered nodebuilder configuration "deepbsp_normal" from "deepbsp.cfg"
Registered nodebuilder configuration "glbsp_normal" from "glBSP.cfg"
Registered nodebuilder configuration "glbsp_fast" from "glBSP.cfg"
Registered nodebuilder configuration "zdbsp_normal" from "zdbsp.cfg"
Registered nodebuilder configuration "zdbsp_udmf_normal" from "zdbsp.cfg"
Registered nodebuilder configuration "zdbsp_fast" from "zdbsp.cfg"
Registered nodebuilder configuration "zdbsp_udmf_fast" from "zdbsp.cfg"
Registered nodebuilder configuration "zdbsp_compressed" from "zdbsp.cfg"
Registered nodebuilder configuration "zdbsp_udmf_compressed" from "zdbsp.cfg"
Registered nodebuilder configuration "zennode_normal" from "ZenNode.cfg"
Registered nodebuilder configuration "zennode_fast" from "ZenNode.cfg"
Loading script configurations...
Loading color settings...
Creating types manager...
Startup done
Binding action methods for ConfigForm object...
Binding action methods for ResourceOptionsForm object...
Binding action methods for ResourceOptionsForm object...
Binding action methods for PreferencesForm object...
Binding action methods for PreferencesForm object...
Binding action methods for PreferencesForm object...
Binding action methods for ConfigForm object...
Binding action methods for MapOptionsForm object...
Binding action methods for OpenMapOptionsForm object...
Temporary directory: C:\Users\1200\AppData\Local\Temp\ftizjbas
Binding action methods for GridSetup object...
Binding action methods for UndoManager object...
Binding action methods for CopyPasteManager object...
Binding action methods for Launcher object...
Opening map "MAP01" with configuration "GZDoom_DoomHexen.cfg"
Initializing graphics device...
Loading game configuration...
Creating temporary file: C:\Users\1200\AppData\Local\Temp\ftizjbas\t9aar0ph.tmp
Opening source file: H:\PWAD_MAPPING\209_ROOM\A7.wad
Copying map lumps to temporary file...
Found 6 different map lump lists in the 43 registered game configurations
Initializing map format interface HexenMapSetIO...
Reading map data from file...
Loading data resources...
Opening WAD resource "H:\PWAD_EDITING\IWADS\DOOM2.wad"
Opening PK3 resource "H:\DOOM\ENGINES\GZDOOM\gzdoom-x64-g3.4pre-251\gzdoom.pk3"
Opening WAD resource "H:\PWAD_MAPPING\209_ROOM\A7.wad"
ERROR: SNDINFO error in "A7.wad\SNDINFO:2", line 4. Expected ambient sound <mode> or [type].
Starting background resource loading...
Loaded 1517 textures, 147 flats, 0 hires textures, 0 colormaps, 214 sprites, 0 decorate things, 0 model/voxel definitions, 0 dynamic light definitions, 0 glowing flat definitions, 1 skybox definitions, 86 sound environment definitions
Binding action methods for MapManager object...
Preparing to change editing mode to VerticesMode...
Editing mode changes from NULL to VerticesMode
Previous stable mode is NULL, previous classic mode is NULL
Binding action methods for VerticesMode object...
Editing mode change complete.
Map loading done
Binding action methods for ErrorsForm object...
ERROR: Image lump "A7.wad\N5META29" data format could not be read, while loading texture "N5META29". Does this lump contain valid picture data at all?
Resources loading took 3.67 seconds
Unloading map...
Stopping editing mode...
Unbinding action methods for VerticesMode object...
Editing mode changes from VerticesMode to NULL
Previous stable mode is VerticesMode, previous classic mode is VerticesMode
Editing mode change complete.
Unbinding action methods for MapManager object...
Unbinding action methods for GridSetup object...
Unbinding action methods for Launcher object...
Unbinding action methods for CopyPasteManager object...
Unbinding action methods for UndoManager object...
All undo and redo levels cleared.
Unloading data resources...
Stopping background resource loading...
Closing WAD resource "H:\PWAD_EDITING\IWADS\DOOM2.wad"
Closing PK3 resource "H:\DOOM\ENGINES\GZDOOM\gzdoom-x64-g3.4pre-251\gzdoom.pk3"
Closing WAD resource "H:\PWAD_MAPPING\209_ROOM\A7.wad"
Closing temporary file...
Closing WAD resource "C:\Users\1200\AppData\Local\Temp\ftizjbas\t9aar0ph.tmp"
Unloading map data...
Stopping graphics device...
Removing temporary directory...
Map unload done
Closing main interface window...
Unbinding action methods for MainForm object...
Termination requested
Unbinding static action methods for class General...
Saving program configuration to "C:\Users\1200\AppData\Local\Doom Builder\GZBuilder.cfg"...
Unbinding action methods for EditingManager object...
Unbinding action methods for BuilderPlug object...
Unbinding action methods for BuilderPlug object...
Unbinding action methods for BuilderPlug object...
Unbinding action methods for BuilderPlug object...
Unbinding action methods for BuilderPlug object...
Unbinding action methods for BuilderPlug object...
Unbinding action methods for BuilderPlug object...
Termination done
GZDoom Builder R3018 (e9c83d0) startup
Application path: "D:\Dropbox\Backup stuff\High-priority Must keep\GZDoom builder"
Temporary path: "C:\Users\Fiendzy\AppData\Local\Temp\"
Local settings path: "C:\Users\Fiendzy\AppData\Local\Doom Builder"
Command-line arguments: ""
Loading program configuration...
Starting action manager...
Binding static action methods for class General...
Loading main interface window...
Binding action methods for MainForm object...
Showing main interface window...
Starting Direct3D graphics driver...
Loading plugins...
Loading plugin "ThreeDFloorMode" from "ThreeDFloorMode.dll"...
ERROR: Could not load plugin "ThreeDFloorMode.dll", the DLL file could not be read. This file is not supposed to be in the Plugins subdirectory.
Loading plugin "BuilderModes" from "BuilderModes.dll"...
Binding action methods for BuilderPlug object...
Loading plugin "AutomapMode" from "AutomapMode.dll"...
Binding action methods for BuilderPlug object...
Loading plugin "BuilderEffects" from "BuilderEffects.dll"...
Binding action methods for BuilderPlug object...
Loading plugin "ColorPicker" from "ColorPicker.dll"...
Binding action methods for BuilderPlug object...
Loading plugin "CommentsPanel" from "CommentsPanel.dll"...
Loading plugin "NodesViewer" from "NodesViewer.dll"...
Binding action methods for BuilderPlug object...
Loading plugin "SoundPropagationMode" from "SoundPropagationMode.dll"...
Binding action methods for BuilderPlug object...
Loading plugin "StairSectorBuilder" from "StairSectorBuilder.dll"...
Binding action methods for BuilderPlug object...
Loading plugin "TagExplorer" from "TagExplorer.dll"...
Loading plugin "TagRange" from "TagRange.dll"...
Binding action methods for BuilderPlug object...
Loading plugin "VisplaneExplorer" from "VisplaneExplorer.dll"...
Loading game configurations...
Registered game configuration "Boom: Doom 2 (Doom format)" from "Boom_Doom2Doom.cfg"
Registered game configuration "Boom: Doom (Doom format)" from "Boom_DoomDoom.cfg"
Registered game configuration "Doom: Doom 2 (Doom format)" from "Doom_Doom2Doom.cfg"
Registered game configuration "Doom: Doom (Doom format)" from "Doom_DoomDoom.cfg"
Registered game configuration "Eternity: Doom 2 (Doom format)" from "Eternity_Doom2Doom.cfg"
Registered game configuration "Eternity: Doom 2 (UDMF)" from "Eternity_DoomUDMF.cfg"
Registered game configuration "GZDoom: Doom 2 (Doom format)" from "GZDoom_DoomDoom.cfg"
Registered game configuration "GZDoom: Doom 2 (Hexen format)" from "GZDoom_DoomHexen.cfg"
Registered game configuration "GZDoom: Doom 2 (UDMF)" from "GZDoom_DoomUDMF.cfg"
Registered game configuration "GZDoom: Heretic (Doom format)" from "GZDoom_HereticDoom.cfg"
Registered game configuration "GZDoom: Heretic (Hexen format)" from "GZDoom_HereticHexen.cfg"
Registered game configuration "GZDoom: Heretic (UDMF)" from "GZDoom_HereticUDMF.cfg"
Registered game configuration "GZDoom: Hexen (Hexen format)" from "GZDoom_HexenHexen.cfg"
Registered game configuration "GZDoom: Hexen (UDMF)" from "GZDoom_HexenUDMF.cfg"
Registered game configuration "GZDoom: Strife (Doom format)" from "GZDoom_StrifeDoom.cfg"
Registered game configuration "GZDoom: Strife (Hexen format)" from "GZDoom_StrifeHexen.cfg"
Registered game configuration "GZDoom: Strife (UDMF)" from "GZDoom_StrifeUDMF.cfg"
Registered game configuration "Heretic: Heretic (Doom format)" from "Heretic_HereticDoom.cfg"
Registered game configuration "Hexen: Hexen (Hexen format)" from "Hexen_HexenHexen.cfg"
Registered game configuration "Strife: Strife (Doom format)" from "Strife_StrifeDoom.cfg"
Registered game configuration "Zandronum: Doom 2 (Doom format)" from "Zandronum_DoomDoom.cfg"
Registered game configuration "Zandronum: Doom 2 (Hexen format)" from "Zandronum_DoomHexen.cfg"
Registered game configuration "Zandronum: Doom 2 (UDMF)" from "Zandronum_DoomUDMF.cfg"
Registered game configuration "Zandronum: Heretic (Doom format)" from "Zandronum_HereticDoom.cfg"
Registered game configuration "Zandronum: Heretic (Hexen format)" from "Zandronum_HereticHexen.cfg"
Registered game configuration "Zandronum: Heretic (UDMF)" from "Zandronum_HereticUDMF.cfg"
Registered game configuration "Zandronum: Hexen (Hexen format)" from "Zandronum_HexenHexen.cfg"
Registered game configuration "Zandronum: Hexen (UDMF)" from "Zandronum_HexenUDMF.cfg"
Registered game configuration "Zandronum: Strife (Doom format)" from "Zandronum_StrifeDoom.cfg"
Registered game configuration "Zandronum: Strife (Hexen format)" from "Zandronum_StrifeHexen.cfg"
Registered game configuration "Zandronum: Strife (UDMF)" from "Zandronum_StrifeUDMF.cfg"
Registered game configuration "ZDaemon: Doom 2 (Hexen format)" from "ZDaemon_DoomHexen.cfg"
Registered game configuration "ZDoom: Doom 2 (Doom format)" from "ZDoom_DoomDoom.cfg"
Registered game configuration "ZDoom: Doom 2 (Hexen format)" from "ZDoom_DoomHexen.cfg"
Registered game configuration "ZDoom: Doom 2 (UDMF)" from "ZDoom_DoomUDMF.cfg"
Registered game configuration "ZDoom: Heretic (Doom format)" from "ZDoom_HereticDoom.cfg"
Registered game configuration "ZDoom: Heretic (Hexen format)" from "ZDoom_HereticHexen.cfg"
Registered game configuration "ZDoom: Heretic (UDMF)" from "ZDoom_HereticUDMF.cfg"
Registered game configuration "ZDoom: Hexen (Hexen format)" from "ZDoom_HexenHexen.cfg"
Registered game configuration "ZDoom: Hexen (UDMF)" from "ZDoom_HexenUDMF.cfg"
Registered game configuration "ZDoom: Strife (Doom format)" from "ZDoom_StrifeDoom.cfg"
Registered game configuration "ZDoom: Strife (Hexen format)" from "ZDoom_StrifeHexen.cfg"
Registered game configuration "ZDoom: Strife (UDMF)" from "ZDoom_StrifeUDMF.cfg"
Creating editing modes manager...
Binding action methods for EditingManager object...
Applying configuration settings...
Loading compiler configurations...
Registered compiler configuration "bcc" from "bcc.cfg"
Registered compiler configuration "hexen_acc" from "acc.cfg"
Registered compiler configuration "bspw32" from "bsp-w32.cfg"
Registered compiler configuration "deepbsp" from "deepbsp.cfg"
Registered compiler configuration "glbsp" from "glBSP.cfg"
Registered compiler configuration "zdbsp" from "zdbsp.cfg"
Registered compiler configuration "zennode" from "ZenNode.cfg"
Registered compiler configuration "zandronum_acc" from "acc.cfg"
Registered compiler configuration "zdaemon_acc" from "acc.cfg"
Registered compiler configuration "zdoom_acc" from "acc.cfg"
Loading nodebuilder configurations...
Registered nodebuilder configuration "bspw32_normal" from "bsp-w32.cfg"
Registered nodebuilder configuration "bspw32_fast" from "bsp-w32.cfg"
Registered nodebuilder configuration "deepbsp_normal" from "deepbsp.cfg"
Registered nodebuilder configuration "glbsp_normal" from "glBSP.cfg"
Registered nodebuilder configuration "glbsp_fast" from "glBSP.cfg"
Registered nodebuilder configuration "zdbsp_normal" from "zdbsp.cfg"
Registered nodebuilder configuration "zdbsp_udmf_normal" from "zdbsp.cfg"
Registered nodebuilder configuration "zdbsp_fast" from "zdbsp.cfg"
Registered nodebuilder configuration "zdbsp_udmf_fast" from "zdbsp.cfg"
Registered nodebuilder configuration "zdbsp_compressed" from "zdbsp.cfg"
Registered nodebuilder configuration "zdbsp_udmf_compressed" from "zdbsp.cfg"
Registered nodebuilder configuration "zennode_normal" from "ZenNode.cfg"
Registered nodebuilder configuration "zennode_fast" from "ZenNode.cfg"
Loading script configurations...
Loading color settings...
Creating types manager...
Startup done
Binding action methods for ErrorsForm object...
Unloading map...
Map unload done
Closing main interface window...
Unbinding action methods for MainForm object...
Termination requested
Unbinding static action methods for class General...
Saving program configuration to "C:\Users\Fiendzy\AppData\Local\Doom Builder\GZBuilder.cfg"...
Unbinding action methods for EditingManager object...
Unbinding action methods for BuilderPlug object...
Unbinding action methods for BuilderPlug object...
Unbinding action methods for BuilderPlug object...
Unbinding action methods for BuilderPlug object...
Unbinding action methods for BuilderPlug object...
Unbinding action methods for BuilderPlug object...
Termination done
I tried the plugin with both 32 bit and 64 bit versions for both 32 bit and 64 bit versions of builder (I promise you I know which versions are which as I separate them)
Okay, I've completely wiped any existence of GZDoom builder ever being on my pc, I've gotten Tribeam to zip up his build of GZDoom builder with the DLL installed in the plugins folder, and I've finally got everything to work.
I just tried r3048 and the 3D plugin seems to work again.
No crash when resizing the control area.
However, the new quirk is that the control area in some previous pwads needs to be resized.
***********SYSTEM INFO***********
OS: Microsoft Windows 10 Pro
GZDB: R3060
Platform: x64
********EXCEPTION DETAILS********
Method not found: 'CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Geometry.Vector2D CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Editing.GridSetup.SnappedToGrid(CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Geometry.Vector2D, Single, Single)'.
at CodeImp.DoomBuilder.ThreeDFloorMode.ControlSectorArea.SnapToGrid(Highlight highlight, Vector2D pos, Vector2D lastpos)
at CodeImp.DoomBuilder.ThreeDFloorMode.ThreeDFloorHelperMode.OnMouseMove(MouseEventArgs e)
at CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Windows.MainForm.display_MouseMove(Object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.OnMouseMove(MouseEventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmMouseMove(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)
Great plugin, very helpful. I've run into an issue though. Attempting to resize the control sector zone in GZDB R3060 results in a crash. Here is the log from GZDB:
***********SYSTEM INFO***********
********EXCEPTION DETAILS********
Method not found: 'CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Geometry.Vector2D CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Editing.GridSetup.SnappedToGrid(CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Geometry.Vector2D, Single, Single)'.
at CodeImp.DoomBuilder.ThreeDFloorMode.ControlSectorArea.SnapToGrid(Highlight highlight, Vector2D pos, Vector2D lastpos)
at CodeImp.DoomBuilder.ThreeDFloorMode.ThreeDFloorHelperMode.OnMouseMove(MouseEventArgs e)
at CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Windows.MainForm.display_MouseMove(Object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.OnMouseMove(MouseEventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmMouseMove(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)
fluffyshambler wrote:Great plugin, very helpful. I've run into an issue though. Attempting to resize the control sector zone in GZDB R3060 results in a crash.