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Another gun, but this time it's a gun for real human beans.
It uses a Mannlicher M1885 action, holds five rounds of 8mm Speer (read: 7.92mm Mauser), is fed with enbloc clips and is known for being quite accurate and fast to operate. No bayonet lugs because when your foes tipically use dragons as mounts, no knife will save your life...kinda.
Goddamn Finns and their terrifying thumb-demons...
woo *mandatorily inserts tired old memz circa 2006 about meeting in a town square, written in a piece of paper by some dude in Lordi in eurovision Zzz*
meanwhile not a sketch but a scrag, figured thered need to be another iteration cus im super ineffective in doom mapping again, or any mapping otherwise. so everything else goes, done in zbrushcore
oh right the horns, some actually visible ones could been nice. infact later on i sort of learnt a function called "dynamesh", which allows fusing extra meshes to the sculpt. allows for whole bunch of cool shit to do then and the aforementioned
One more mecha weapon, this time as a request I took from a friend.
Her blurb says it's an 88mm cannon firing frag rounds on top of another 88mm canon on the top firing very low-velocity rounds meant to cause tons of splash damage but very little damage to what the actual round hits.
The problem with bullpup drums so close to the grip is that... well, if you ever wanna draw someone holding the thing, you'll have a hard time.
Decided to take a break on guns for giant robots so I could make a dane (axe of sorts) for giant robots.
Again, MS PAINt only. Spent a lot of time on it, much more than it was healthy for me.
It's supposed to be wielded by uhhh things like these:
Credits to Shabu for this gorgeous Rafale. I doubt any Muv Luv fans from Japan would even be aware of what I'm doing here but it doesn't feel right not to credit a fellow fan artist...