New Community Project: "Knee Deep in ZDoom"

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Re: New Community Project:

Post by Graf Zahl »

Unknown_Assassin wrote: That graphics card came with this laptop. I wanted a nvdia GEForce, but that laptop cost about 1300 bucks compared to this 600 something. Plus getting another laptop......... D: I can't afford another one.

In other words: You got what you were willing to pay for! :P
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Re: New Community Project:

Post by randi »

Cutmanmike wrote:You guys need to stop posting in this forum. That's twice I've got my hopes up for a Randy announcement :(
Heh heh heh. Sorry. I'll post an update then. I replaced my 160 GB hard drive with a 750 GB one, and now I'm trying to sort through the mess of files I had on it I'm reinstalling programs and copying files to the new drive. I mostly just dumped files wherever on the old one, so I'm trying to go through and make order out of chaos as I copy things to their new home on the new drive. It's been a week so far.

The old one is out of my computer already, actually, since I told my dad he could have it when he upgraded his system, which he just did last week. The new drive is so huge that I set up a 30 GB partition for XP and Vista each and a shared 400 GB partition for all the programs and documents. Then I still had room to copy the entire contents of the old drive to another partition so that I could get it out of my computer quickly.
Doom Connector
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Re: New Community Project:

Post by Doom Connector »

Um, how is his topic still NEW COMMUNITY PROJEC?
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Re: New Community Project:

Post by Project Shadowcat »

Doom Connector wrote:Um, how is his topic still NEW COMMUNITY PROJEC?
Because someone bumped a four year old project up. Good freaking gods, man, you are very dense, very blind, and very arrogant, too.

Get off my forum.

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