We sure do have a lot of rules and guidelines threads - find them all here, and please make sure you've read them! Also, community-wide announcements (that aren't major ZDoom News) go here as well.
Hi What is Blanking?
Running Away after making a post? Dont get too mad about that some people are just shy thats alll
btw I'm CaptainOvaltine. I Love Everybody and I play zDOOM on Violence then use summon marine and Mr. Smith the Hell out of Hell haha
and I Blank threads and stuff too
CaptainOvaltine wrote:Hi What is Blanking?
Running Away after making a post? Dont get too mad about that some people are just shy thats alll
btw I'm CaptainOvaltine. I Love Everybody and I play zDOOM on Violence then use summon marine and Mr. Smith the Hell out of Hell haha
and I Blank threads and stuff too
Blanking refers to when a user edits an old post and deletes all the text from it. Since users can't actually delete their own posts in most cases, this is what some people do instead.
noonecares wrote:I think I broke the rule about posting on croak'd threads but I got no warning.. wat.
I've been moving some of your bumps to the Gallery of Useless Bumps. I would like to request that you stop doing that (most of yours are requests for reuploads and we have a thread for that), but I don't consider it worth putting a permanent warning on your account.
argh stop bumpign this i thouhgt there were updates!!
Right, you don't really "bump" stickies or announcements, other than moving them up the sticky stack. But it flags them with unread posts and might make them more noticeable for a while, so it might even be a good thing.
I have updated the rules again for even more readability and better organization. Some rules were merged, some were simplified, and in general it should be much, much easier to glance over them.
New year, new rule updates. Check near the top for the new section about how you are now allowed to post NSFW/18+ content...within reason. Read the rules, though. Seriously. Don't want to have someone get warned or banned.
[b]The below is fine as is:[/b]
[list][*]Gore, by itself. (Typical Doom stuff, in other words.)
[*]"Real" gore from photographs of people who have specifically given permission for them to be shared. (The famous Kevin Cloud knee injury texture, in other words.)[/list]
[b]The below should be tagged as "NSFW/18+"[/b]
[list][*]Tasteful nudity, by itself. (Exposed breasts and/or genitalia with no sexual purpose. No, this does not make dick pics legal.)
[*]Nudity combined with gore, with no sexual or "guro" purpose behind it. (Borderline case - certain mods contain monster designs based on the female form, this is here to allow those)[/list]
[b]Ick factor barrier - everything below this line is strictly against the rules:[/b]
[list][*]Erect male genitalia. (Borderline case - I'm aware that Alien mods are popular, and many H. R. Giger designs contain images based on those; those are allowed, but actual erections have no place here, so no dick pics please.)
[*]"Real" gore derived from photographs of dead people. (The implication is that they did NOT give permission to use them.)
[*]Depictions of sex acts, especially hardcore pornography.
[*]Any sexual violence whatsoever. I'm going by Australian rules here: no rape, no wife-battering, and no "anal probe" weapons, because that's just gross. While we're at it, no more "buttrape!" jokes. That goes double for Terry wads.[/list]
Spoiler: Preview
The below is fine as is:
Gore, by itself. (Typical Doom stuff, in other words.)
"Real" gore from photographs of people who have specifically given permission for them to be shared. (The famous Kevin Cloud knee injury texture, in other words.)
The below should be tagged as "NSFW/18+"
Tasteful nudity, by itself. (Exposed breasts and/or genitalia with no sexual purpose. No, this does not make dick pics legal.)
Nudity combined with gore, with no sexual or "guro" purpose behind it. (Borderline case - certain mods contain monster designs based on the female form, this is here to allow those)
Ick factor barrier - everything below this line is strictly against the rules:
Erect male genitalia. (Borderline case - I'm aware that Alien mods are popular, and many H. R. Giger designs contain images based on those; those are allowed, but actual erections have no place here, so no dick pics please.)
"Real" gore derived from photographs of dead people. (The implication is that they did NOT give permission to use them.)
Depictions of sex acts, especially hardcore pornography.
Any sexual violence whatsoever. I'm going by Australian rules here: no rape, no wife-battering, and no "anal probe" weapons, because that's just gross. While we're at it, no more "buttrape!" jokes. That goes double for Terry wads.