ZDoom 2.5.0

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Re: ZDoom 2.5.0

Post by Xtyfe »

Project Dark Fox wrote:Not to mention the whole "Randy getting flooded out" thing wasn't exactly pretty, either.
Out of curiosity, is he still flooded out? I can't even imagine how that is going to be dealt with in the winter :shock:
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Re: ZDoom 2.5.0

Post by FireSeraphim »

I have thought about using the new polyobject feature myself but I have a few questions about them:
1.Can Polyobjects be used in conjunction with 3d floors to make moving platforms Ala Quake?
2.Can Polyobjects be raised and lowered in midair while they are moving?
3.Can players stand on moving Polyobjects without having to move with the polyobject?
4.Is there any limitations that I might need to know about?
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Re: ZDoom 2.5.0

Post by NeuralStunner »

1. No.
2. Doubtful - You may be able to pull it off by linking 3D MidTextures to a sector and moving that around.
3. Blzut has been working on this, not sure of the current state.
4. They're the same as Hexen's, except being convex is no longer a requirement. But keep in mind that they can "bleed" across floor/ceiling changes. (There's a compat option for this if needed. Some Hexen maps require it.)
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Re: ZDoom 2.5.0

Post by Tapwave »

NeuralStunner wrote: 3. Blzut has been working on this, not sure of the current state.
Didn't icy or Essel released a test map incorporating something like that? I think it had weird collision physics, and kept pushing you off rather brutally or something.
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Re: ZDoom 2.5.0

Post by Gez »

NeuralStunner wrote:4. They're the same as Hexen's, except being convex is no longer a requirement, staying in the same subsector all their life is no longer a requirement, and being alone in their subsector is no longer a requirement.
Fixed it for you.

Coincidentally, not sharing their subsector, never leaving their subsector, and being convex were the three limits from Hexen.
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Re: ZDoom 2.5.0

Post by Blzut3 »

NeuralStunner wrote:3. Blzut has been working on this, not sure of the current state.
Thanks for giving me an excuse to post this. :p I'm busy with other priorities right now so I don't have time to work on this at the moment (and probably for the next month or so). Here's the patch so far if anyone is interested (includes my small test map).
There are two problems that I'm aware of at this point:
  • Precision error on rotating polyobjs. When a polyobj rotates it rotates the points based on their original position and angle. At this time I don't have a good idea on how I would store this information for a thing cleanly. I could store the position and angle of the thing when it first touches a polyobj, but the trick to that is figuring out when the thing is no longer on the polyobj. Speaking off...
  • Can't detect when a thing leaves the polyobj. When you're forced into a wall by a polyobj the players velocity goes to 0 which means the floorz never updates.
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Re: ZDoom 2.5.0

Post by randi »

Sorry that there was no 2.6.0 released this year. It's hard to believe there hasn't been a new release since August 2010, but things happened that got in the way...
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Re: ZDoom 2.5.0

Post by NeuralStunner »

Understandable. :(
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Re: ZDoom 2.5.0

Post by Xtyfe »

No worries, Stuff happens that are beyond our control.
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Re: ZDoom 2.5.0

Post by Scuba Steve »

My Action Doom 2 DLC depends on a new official release!
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Re: ZDoom 2.5.0

Post by Tapwave »

Since the polyobject memory screwups got fixed (right?), is 2.6.0 closer to completion?
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Re: ZDoom 2.5.0

Post by ibm5155 »

I can´t do nothing for help zdoom now =/ at least my maps are getting great =D using C/C++ things
what happen with polyobject memory?

I know it´s a dream for now, but it´s pocible in the future mix polyobjects with 3D floors creating the 3D polyobject? (like you can move in horizontal and vertical, and do the polyobject things)...

A little i know i can´t move a slope (he´ll not update the slope) but can by acs i update the slope?

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