Notably though, even linedef bridge-heavy areas were fine for me. I think it was just the sheer volume of moving objects in the volcano and Doom Star A2 areas that caused my problems.
Moderator: GZDoom Developers
Actually, overhead AM rendering should not have been a problem in previous versions either, despite the visual subsector leakage in the FPS view.Gez wrote:Anybody up to scripting automap asteroids with polyobjects?
I think It's the wad that had a problem . The new Zdoom is ok.leshadoksupreme wrote
ZDoom 2.5.0 has a Bug while playing "Sirens" from doomwadstation.com.
The scrolling sky can't stretch, there is an ugly black line through the once awesome orange scrolling ceiling.
Where can I now download zdoom 2.4.1? I should have saved the older zdoom on a CD or something.
That's why there's this forum.leshadoksupreme wrote:ZDoom 2.5.0 has a Bug
Graf Zahl wrote:There's 2 things that need to be resolved before 2.6.0, unfortunately both tasks for Randy.
There's one 3D floor problem as reported by phi108 above and the nodebuilder hang with one map in ZPack.
And given that r3175 was a revision to a branch and not the main trunk, r3174 is the current revision.DaMan wrote:Its 1 revision old.