This is the format I have seen the most besides the US format MM DD YYYY.Gez wrote: DD month YYYY
Damn US....always trying to feel special and unique amongst other countries.

Moderator: GZDoom Developers
This is the format I have seen the most besides the US format MM DD YYYY.Gez wrote: DD month YYYY
The boss does one little thing and people start thinking it's the end of the world.Hirogen2 wrote:Either we have a forum hack, or the overlord indeed changed his name from randy to randi.
What makes you think that? Some people actually need to sleep and work throughout most of the day.Project Dark Fox wrote: If it were a hack, (s)he'd have done something about it by now.
I've seen him/her post a few times with the new name.Graf Zahl wrote:What makes you think that? Some people actually need to sleep and work throughout most of the day.Project Dark Fox wrote: If it were a hack, (s)he'd have done something about it by now.
If you have a cookie that is still valid, it might be possible to miss that. Depends on the software though, and what checks it does or forgets to do.Project Dark Fox wrote:I've seen him/her post a few times with the new name.
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Fuel : Ammo replaces Cell
Which weapon 3 are you talking about? There are lots.ACE7 wrote:Hmm problem. especially for weapon mods like some of wild weasels wads, for instance when i loaded ww-magop.wad i could play it fine and everything, but when i had weapon 3 in use and pressed 3 again, it fully freezes and i have to reboot the pc
any solution or a new build? cheers