ZDoom 2.3.0 released

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Re: ZDoom 2.3.0 released

Post by Coon »

HotWax wrote:
esselfortium wrote:EDIT: To get this thread back on topic, would the plural of Tubers be Tubers or Tuberses? Tuberssssssss
Actually that's the singular genitive. The correct case here would have to be plural and nominative, thus "Tubersa" should be used instead.
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Re: ZDoom 2.3.0 released

Post by esselfortium »

No, that's the thing you play in an orchestra.
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Re: ZDoom 2.3.0 released

Post by Enjay »

In the town where I teach, the local term for a car-dick (young guy with a crap, (badly)tricked-out car who drives up and down through the town or sits in a car park with his mates playing music on a stereo that cost more than the car) is a tuber.
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Re: ZDoom 2.3.0 released

Post by Coon »

I gave up on lower classes the day I saw burberry seats.
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Re: ZDoom 2.3.0 released

Post by Enjay »

Could be worse:


Aaaaanyway, how 'bout that Zdoom 2.3.0 eh?
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Re: ZDoom 2.3.0 released

Post by Tubers »

esselfortium wrote:To get this thread back on topic, would the plural of Tubers be Tubers or Tuberses? Tuberssssssss
*Adds quote onto skulltag signature* :3:

It is Tubers' (Like James' for example) as posessive
tuberses is a plural for two tubers :P
Last edited by Tubers on Thu Mar 12, 2009 10:21 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: ZDoom 2.3.0 released

Post by Medricel »

Tubers' (just like James' ) is a posessive, not a plural.

What the hell is up with those cars? Do people really think that looks good?
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Re: ZDoom 2.3.0 released

Post by SoulCrow »

tubers93 wrote:tuberses is a plural for two tubers :P
...or would that be tubi? (like Mancubus to Mancubi or Mancubuses)
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Re: ZDoom 2.3.0 released

Post by Xaser »

@Enjay: I hope you realize you've nearly made me injure myself. Literally fell out of my chair laughing... with a nice bump on the elbow to prove it. ;P

And maybe this is just a silly American thing, but I've always been taught that a singular word ending in -s will still use apostrophe-s for the posessive instead of a single apostrophe.

Easy example: names. It is correct to say "I stole James's ugly plaid car," whereas "I ate James' prize-winning goldfish" is not. Thus, if Tubers is, indeed, a name, "I got squashed by Tubers's Mancubus" would be right.

Not making this up, though I supposed it could easily be another bastardization of us North American miscreants. ;P

Now we just need to figure out whether or not to capizalize "Mancubus" ... :P
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Re: ZDoom 2.3.0 released

Post by Enjay »

Xaser wrote:And maybe this is just a silly American thing, but I've always been taught that a singular word ending in -s will still use apostrophe-s for the posessive instead of a single apostrophe...
After a quick read around, there doesn't seem to be a hard and fast consensus on the issue. "s's" seems to be regarded as more traditional but there are plenty of quite old examples where "s'" is used. :shrug:
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Re: ZDoom 2.3.0 released

Post by Zippy »

Enjay wrote:
Xaser wrote:And maybe this is just a silly American thing, but I've always been taught that a singular word ending in -s will still use apostrophe-s for the posessive instead of a single apostrophe...
After a quick read around, there doesn't seem to be a hard and fast consensus on the issue. "s's" seems to be regarded as more traditional but there are plenty of quite old examples where "s'" is used. :shrug:
Not that even saying it's an "American" thing really covers much, as the nature of American English can vary so much from region to region in the country itself. For example, I was always taught exactly the opposite of Xaser: to make a word ending in s be possessive, add only an apostrophe.
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Re: ZDoom 2.3.0 released

Post by bagheadspidey »

I wonder how much United States's schools's teachers's salaries's would amount to if all words's endings's having final s's's had to be punctuated like this's's's in the pos'ses'sive form though
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Re: ZDoom 2.3.0 released

Post by Project Shadowcat »

bagheadspidey wrote:I wonder how much United States's schools's teachers's salaries's would amount to if all words's endings's having final s's's had to be punctuated like this's's's in the pos'ses'sive form though
OW my brain
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Re: ZDoom 2.3.0 released

Post by HotWax »

Zippy wrote:Not that even saying it's an "American" thing really covers much, as the nature of American English can vary so much from region to region in the country itself. For example, I was always taught exactly the opposite of Xaser: to make a word ending in s be possessive, add only an apostrophe.
For my part I was definitely taught that it is correct to add only an apostrophe at the end of a word that already ends in s, and that it is wrong to add a second s, or to say the second s at all when speaking aloud. (e.g. "Jones-es") Unfortunately, what I was taught in school and what people on the street actually say are two very different things...
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Re: ZDoom 2.3.0 released

Post by Gez »

This question is usually considered one of style, not of grammar.

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