Is it possible that a retroactive problem could occur once the new ACC is installed and the user reverts to the previous version? The reason I ask is that I installed the new ACC without realizing that it was not for WadAuthor. I found that my scripts were not compiling, as described in this thread. I reverted to 1.46 and I was able to get the one script working. Unfortunately, when I tried to re-compile changes made to the scripts on another map in the wad, it refused to compile. However, it refused to compile a script that I had previously successfully compiled. Specifically, it refuses to recognize the Sector_SetLink special, i.e., $.acs:44: Function sector_setlink is used but not defined. (There may be other specials that it does not recognize, in other maps, but I haven't tried them out yet.randy wrote:As a consolation, here's a new version of ACC instead. It includes support for setting #include directory search paths, courtesy of CodeImp. This allows you to have two ACS files in the same directory where one includes the other, and it will always find the included file. Previously, this was problematic. There is also support for [wiki=GetPlayerInput]features[/wiki] that will be available in the next version of ZDoom.
The more I think about this, the more I wonder if this is not so much an ACC problem as something related to the .exe - something that has changed in the .exe that made the relevant part of v1.46 of the ACC obsolete. I am using GZDooM v1.1.6 (R239) and ZDoom v2.2.0 (R1286). [For the record, I'd rather stick with the released versions instead of using one of the sub-versions.]
Ideally, I'd like to use an ACC compiled for WadAuthor. But if that's too much work perhaps you might look into why I'm having a problem that I didn't have before. Thanks.