grabpng - now with 15% more grab

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Re: grabpng - not just a batch tool anymore (gui added)

Post by Gez »

bagheadspidey wrote: - Change: cursor movement reversed when dragging the Grab X positioning? not going to change it. it's physically backwards - for some reason it didn't strike me as being weird before. But, it makes sense when you look at the numbers - they increase when you drag right and decrease when you drag left.
Option? It's just a boolean to store and a check to add.
bagheadspidey wrote: - Change: get rid of the annoying console window on windows?
Yeah, but then add a -console command line argument if people want to see what's wrong if/when grabpng crashes.
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Re: grabpng (zoom, custom bg color added)

Post by Nash »

Loving the new version! Zooming and background changing is awesome.

Can you perhaps make it save the background colour to the hard disk so that it remains the same?
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Re: grabpng - graphical and command line png offset tool

Post by bagheadspidey »

Nash wrote:Can you perhaps make it save the background colour to the hard disk so that it remains the same?
Done. The window size and position and the current image are also saved.

As usual, please let me know whether this actually works on windows.
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Re: grabpng (is that console window gone? testers please:)

Post by bagheadspidey »


I've attempted to remove that console window from this test version. Can someone let me know whether it worked?
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Re: grabpng (is that console window gone? testers please:)

Post by Enjay »

Console window is visible very briefly when the program starts, then it is seen no more.

Window position, background colour and last image loaded do not seem to be getting saved in the test version nor the one from the first post.
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Re: grabpng (is that console window gone? testers please:)

Post by bagheadspidey »

Enjay wrote:Console window is visible very briefly when the program starts, then it is seen no more.

Window position, background colour and last image loaded do not seem to be getting saved in the test version nor the one from the first post.
Thanks, Enjay.

- snip -
Last edited by bagheadspidey on Wed Dec 17, 2008 7:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: grabpng (is that console window gone? testers please:)

Post by bagheadspidey »

link on front page should be fully working now.

Question for testers:

* does it still work ok in command line (batch) mode?
* if you run the gui from the console, does the console show the ascii "logo" and notify when saving?

Still to do:

Only cycle through dropped images (rather than whole directory) when more than one image dropped.
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Re: grabpng - console window gone. numbered version soon ;p

Post by Nash »

Haven't tried command line mode but all the new features work! It keeps getting better and better !!!!! good job spidey!
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Re: grabpng (is that console window gone? testers please:)

Post by Enjay »

* does it still work ok in command line (batch) mode?

* if you run the gui from the console, does the console show the ascii "logo" and notify when saving?

yes, and no.

Once the gui is running, the console stays there showing the ascii logo, but nothing further is printed to the console until you quit the gui (at which point you get returned to the prompt - at no time is any grabpng information, other than the logo, shown).
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Re: grabpng - console window gone. numbered version soon ;p

Post by bagheadspidey »

Enjay wrote:* if you run the gui from the console, does the console show the ascii "logo" and notify when saving?

yes, and no.
Got it. I think I've got that fixed now. I'm fixing the problem with greyscale pngs now, will upload after.

Once again, thanks for your help testing, Enjay... don't know what I'd do without you =)

- edit -

New test build.

This should now work with this image:

Also the console should now be acting right (notifications in console when run from console, hide console when not run from console).

Please let me know if there are any problems.
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Re: grabpng - console window gone. numbered version soon ;p

Post by bagheadspidey »

Wow, that last build was pretty screwed up huh?

Well, I finally made myself set up a development environment in windows, so from now on I'll be able to test and tweak stuff in windows if i need to.

This console thing is a mess, I'm not sure what to do about it. For now, hiding it should be sufficient (but you won't see any log info if you run the gui from the console).

Anyway, here's a 99.9% guaranteed fully-working windows build... this one's actually built from windows, not linux. I'll update the svn as soon as I get the new build process I'm messing with sorted out.

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Re: grabpng - stuff fixed - windows build scripts coming soon

Post by Nash »

Neat! Thanks a lot Spidey. I personally don't care much about the console so I'm going to say it works fine as it is. :D

Will do some heavy testing to see if anything is broken...

EDIT: Nice icon. :D

EDIT 2: Very large images now crash the program.

These two images used to load fine. Can't exactly backtrack which version; but I'd say before background colour-changing was implemented.
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Re: grabpng - stuff fixed - windows build scripts coming soon

Post by bagheadspidey »

Are you sure those used to load? They are gray+alpha so they should have had the same problem as borderd-1.png in earlier versions. I'm guessing the new png loading thing i'm doing to work around that is crashing on big images, I'll see if I can work around it.

You can get every revision of grabpng.exe here (except test builds posted on sitesled) if you want to check an old version.

Try converting those big images to gif or jpg in another program and see if they crash grabpng when when you load them. If not, it's definitely the new png loading routine.

p.s., they don't crash for me ;p
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Re: grabpng - stuff fixed - windows build scripts coming soon

Post by Nash »

Yes, those two images used to load in grabpng fine -- although the one with the alpha didn't draw properly. But they never crashed the program. I'm positive about this because I used to drag around the huge skyboxes and the noise thing around in your program a lot out of boredom. :P
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Re: grabpng - stuff fixed - windows build scripts coming soon

Post by Enjay »

Neither of those files crash grabpng for me. All it does is ignore them. I've only tested with the GUI, but if I drop those files onto the window, it's like I did nothing. If I then drop another image that I know works, grabpng is clearly still working because that image loads just fine. If I then go back to one of Nash's pictures, again, they seem to have no impact on grabpng at all - ie the old image doesn't disappear and the new one doesn't seem to do anything to grabpng.

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