I was pretty sure you were, I was just confirming.Risen wrote:I did. That should be obvious if you look at it closer... I made a small mistake in part of it and didn't eliminate a dead-end.
I know these mazes arn't so tricky to solve, if you look up how recursive division works for maze generation, you'll see why.Risen wrote:Hahaha....
...but not necessarily. My method is pretty efficient, especially with these maps. I can eliminate huge sections at a time.
Edit: Solved. There is no route from (0,0) to (2000,1998).
I wasn't sure if the maze had been generated correctly, seeing as it's 2001x2000 but should be 2001x2001, had it been done correctly then there would always be a route between any 2 non-wall points in the maze. So there being no route isn't too surprising.
I was hoping to scare you off with the sheer size of the maze, but I guess not.

Well, that was fun, but I think I'll stop being off-topic in the News thread.