Site move in progress

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Re: Site move in progress

Post by HotWax »

Phew! Theme set to subSilver2 and life is back to normal again.

I would, however, join others in recommending that the default layout be changed back to avatars on the left. While Zippy has a point (people do typically react negatively to change), I believe that this particular change is undesired not only because it's different, but because it disrupts the natural flow of your eye as you read posts. Typically, as I enter a new post I want to know who is "speaking". To do that, I would have to look to the right to see the user's name or avatar, then look back left to begin reading their post. I'm sure that given time, I would adjust to this unusual layout, but why should I have to do so?

For those users who it bothers, you can change your theme to subSilver2 to fix it, but I believe that this will negatively impact first-time users to the forum or individuals who are unaware that they can make this change to their preferences.

Also, I second (third? fourth?) bringing back the quick reply box, as that was a nice time-saver when available.

Finally, I have one more suggestion that others might not agree with, but... can you disable the signature feature please? It's just that I don't want to have to waste time re-reading the same moronic line that certain users (*coughpinkysasscough*) are liable to come up with, or worse, be subject to numerous flashing images in every post. I believe there was a discussion about this when we first made the forum move to php, and the general consent seemed to be to leave them off. It frankly concerns me that it's now an available feature, and IMHO it would be best to get rid of it now before people get used to having them. :(
P.S. Quotes and smileys are working now. :)
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Re: Site move in progress

Post by Nash »

I have signatures turned off in my user preferences, but disabling code for it entirely would be better IMO.
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Re: Site move in progress

Post by Zippy »

HotWax wrote:Typically, as I enter a new post I want to know who is "speaking". To do that, I would have to look to the right to see the user's name or avatar, then look back left to begin reading their post.
Take a look at the format of the posts on the left:

Code: Select all


My text that I type goes here.
There's no right looking involved unless you want to see their avatar image. The left to right of language is completely observed and also there is no disruption of the reading flow unless you disrupt it yourself by looking away. Again, we are used to looking to the avatar for identification, but all the information you need to follow the conversation is still there on the left.
HotWax wrote:Finally, I have one more suggestion that others might not agree with, but... can you disable the signature feature please?
Look again: the character limit is 1 character. Not particularly useful for would-be signature users. That being said, if it can be physically disabled, might as well...
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Re: Site move in progress

Post by Dancso »

Actually, that 1 character limit seems to be kinda strange.. I can have a sig with more characthers as long as it's between BBCode tags, and has no spaces.
It also doesnt seem to appear in topics, at least i couldn't get it to work like that, However, if you look at the profile, you can find the signature there.

Just have a look at my profile, you will see that this feature is abuseable.
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Re: Site move in progress

Post by QBasicer »

I'm not sure if I like the avatars on the right, however I'm sure I'll get used to it.
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Re: Site move in progress

Post by Enjay »

I thought signatures were effectively disabled. They are limited to 1 character only.

Although perhaps that explains the odd positioning of the "mark as unread" link and various icons in the subsilver2 skin. They are quite high in the post and there is a lot of blank space below them before the next post. Presumably this space is intended to be filled with "witty" sayings and "amusing" pictures.

[edit]Actually, looking at it, that only happens on short posts. Presumably the items in question are always a fixed distance from the bottom of the text in the post. If the post is short, the space taken up by it is still quite big because of the avatar and other info and the items therefore sit quite high in the post box.[/edit]
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Re: Site move in progress

Post by Shadelight »

What's the big deal? It's just avatars, it's not like the world is on the edge of the apocalypse or something.
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Re: Site move in progress

Post by HotWax »

Enjay wrote:I thought signatures were effectively disabled. They are limited to 1 character only.
Oh good. So it seems that randy's intent was to indeed disable signatures, but for whatever reason the only way to do that is impose a 1-character limit?

If possible, it'd be great not to even have the option show on the profile page. However, since no forum allows them anyway, I'll deal with it if that can't be fixed.
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Re: Site move in progress

Post by Dancso »

They are limited to 1 character yes, BUT if you put your sig in a bbcode tag like url, or size, it will work, and if you dont put spaces in it, it will work, with AS MUCH CHARACTERS AS YOU WANT!

Just think about you view someone's page, with his sig set to huge, and 8 kilometers of gibberish stuff as text, with no spaces.
(Btw did everyone read my post or i'm just feeling like nobody did?)
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Re: Site move in progress

Post by Matt »

...huh, it accepted my sig!

At least it's smart enough to recognize URLs and alt+0160, though... and was there ever a time when we were allowed to have an image tag like [img=http://www.blah.bla/hbl/ah.png]?

EDIT: Sig is not showing. Can anyone see "[TestSig]" on this post?
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Re: Site move in progress

Post by Enjay »

I see no sig in your post.

IIRC, the previous forum also had a 1 character limit for sigs and would accept sigs if you typed them in but would not show them.
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Re: Site move in progress

Post by Dancso »

It's not going to show on your posts, however you can view it on your profile page.
Vaecrius wrote:...huh, it accepted my sig!
That sounds like you're suprised. I've said in two of my posts that you can do that. /me feels people are not reading his posts. :o
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Re: Site move in progress

Post by randi »

Vaecrius wrote:Sig is not showing.
Ha ha ha ha ha. Since this software lets people create signatures without unconditionally adding them to posts, maybe I should up the limit so they can use it to put whatever they want on their profile page.

PS: Dancso, when you use a quote tag, you need to put the quoted person's name in quotation marks or it won't work. I fixed your post for you this time.
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Re: Site move in progress

Post by Shadelight »

The sig limit upping would be nice, but be sure to disable images from sigs. :P
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Re: Site move in progress

Post by Matt »

Dancso wrote:That sounds like you're suprised. I've said in two of my posts that you can do that. /me feels people are not reading his posts. :o
I did, hence my attempt... it's just that I didn't believe you because I didn't see the sig there. :P

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