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Post by QBasicer »

Perhaps I'm missing something, but what's UV?
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Post by Nash »

leileilol wrote:the f kind of redundant uv mappery is that !
What's wrong with it? Hey I did it all by hand, no auto UV crap! :(

I also didn't want it to be symetrical because symetrical textures suck.
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Post by HotWax »

QBasicer wrote:Perhaps I'm missing something, but what's UV?
UV mapping is the process of using a single texture and "wrapping" it around a 3D polygon. The UV map Nash showed has outlined the areas of the texture that will be mapped to different sections of the model.

You can see many example of these by opening up Quake 3's pk3 files and perusing the character models' folders.
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Post by Risen »

Nash wrote:What's wrong with it?
The relative size of the mapped areas to one another could possibly be a bit off, but I can't tell whether or not that's true without a test pattern applied to the model (The clouds do nothing for this!)

Aside from that, which may not even be a problem, I'd like to know as well.

Also, I think some degree of automation in UV mapping can be a really useful tool. You have to guide the process carefully and do some manual tweaking afterward, but it sure saves a lot of time when you don't have to unwrap every single poly. You can get a perfectly good unwrap with the right level of automation. That said, if you don't mind spending the extra time, do what works best for you!
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Post by Nash »

Yes, I am aware that the scale of the different parts that make up the toilet are way off. I wanted to cram in as much in the 512x512 map (I don't want to create a 1024x512 map for example).

In the end, I basically chose the important parts to have a higher resolution and the less important parts to have a lower resolution.

I might re-do it again but I just placed my order for Maxon's BodyPaint 3D.

Oh and BTW, I did use some form of automation when unwrapping initially... but I have a crappy UV program (LithUnwrap) and its tools aren't very fancy so in the end I still spent a few hours to manually move the vertices to where I want them.
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Post by leileilol »

You could have used Blender to do your uvmapping on.
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Post by Nash »

There's just something about me and not wanting to conform and use Blender. :/
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Post by Risen »

Nash wrote:In the end, I basically chose the important parts to have a higher resolution and the less important parts to have a lower resolution.
That may easily be good enough. As I said, I can't really tell without a better test texture applied, and even then it's only a potential issue. If it looks good with the correct texture applied, you're good to go. I still don't see anything actually wrong with it.
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Post by Nash »

The UV map is pretty much the same as the old one as far as arrangement goes, but I redid them so that the individual parts are all scaled correctly.

Used Maxon's BodyPaint 3D to bake the shadows into the texture, so basically the above screenshot is pretty much how the thing will look like in the GZDoom renderer.

I love painting in 3-d. I'll never texture map a model in 2-d ever again.

(PS I'm aware of some ugly stuff on the textures... nothing a 3-d painting session can't easily fixed. But I can't be bothered right now so I'll do that some other time)

EDIT: In-game screenshot!
Kinda dark. It looks good in fullscreen though.
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Post by Risen »

Looking good. Radiosity/shadow baking is a must for GZDoom models.
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Post by Cutmanmike »

That because GZDoom offers no dynamic lighting for models?
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Post by Risen »

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Post by leileilol »

doesn't even have a handle!
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Post by Nash »

Are you living in the past? Most toilets now have flush buttons at the top of the water tank.
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Post by DoomRater »

The water-saver toilet here has a handle. In fact I have to travel to another state to get those kind in any sort of regularity.

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