Cromunism wrote:I have a couple questions about the changelog for the latest version of GZDoom. I would have posted this in the release thread in news, but it got locked before I got a chance, so I assume this is the right thread for it.
The GZDoom 3.4 thread has been unlocked in the meantime.
Cromunism wrote:My main question is about the changelog entry "Add support for Unreal Engine 1 vertex mesh format." If I understand it right, this allows map and mod makers to use unreal engine 1 models in addition to the currently supported MD2 and MD3 format. I know pretty much nothing about this subject, so my questions are: why was specifically unreal engine 1 model support chosen, and what benefits does supporting this have over the already supported formats? I don't make maps or mods so this feature doesn't directly affect me, I was just curious about the purpose of the feature and how people might use it. It just seemed strange to me since unreal engine 1 is so old, but there's probably a good reason for it.
It was an external contribution, made by someone who
made a mod putting the Unreal Tournament '99 weapons in Doom. So here you have the motivation.
Cromunism wrote:Second, the changelog mentions a rendering optimization that in highly detailed maps "may give a +20% performance improvement on Intel and AMD hardware" and benefits nvidia hardware also, but not as much. In this case, how detailed does a map need to be before this change would affect them? Would something like some of the larger doom 2 or TNT evilution maps count, or is it referring to higher detail than that?
The map in particular that was used as a benchmark was
Frozen Time. You shouldn't really notice changes on the vanilla IWAD maps as presumably you were already getting max FPS on them.