ADD Support for Nocturne in Yellow IWAD (PK3)

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Re: ADD Support for Nocturne in Yellow IWAD (PK3)

Post by Rachael »

I didn't play this all the way through, but as far as I got there weren't any major glitches that I could see. I would recommend a full play-through just to be sure.

Either way, after fixing any of those which may not exist anyway, the big issue is the menus - they need to be fixed. Once that's done, I think official support can be added. Personally I would like to see that happen.
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Re: ADD Support for Nocturne in Yellow IWAD (PK3)

Post by Enjay »

I take it that the final map/stages is/are supposed to look all glitchy and HOMy? (Played it with its own engine BTW ).

A good quality mod/game with some great artwork but I can't say I liked the final boss at all. :(
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Re: ADD Support for Nocturne in Yellow IWAD (PK3)

Post by SyntherAugustus »

The ending isn't for everybody. I remember having similar feelings when I encountered the HOM levels and the bizarre end boss.
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Re: ADD Support for Nocturne in Yellow IWAD (PK3)

Post by Enjay »

It may just have been my inattentiveness but I didn't see any real clues as to how to defeat the boss. I eventually did it by chance (so I didn't know what I did). After checking a video, it seems that destroying the eye monsters (before there are so many that you get completely swamped and your computer slows to a crawl) while you're near the big pink giant cell thing is the way to go.

For me, it wasn't just that the end wasn't to my taste, it was enough to undermine and otherwise pretty high quality, enjoyable and interesting product. If I were to play it again, I'd stop before the last stages so replay value, for me, is limited because I really only want to play the first half again.
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Re: ADD Support for Nocturne in Yellow IWAD (PK3)

Post by TerminusEst13 »

Enjay wrote:It may just have been my inattentiveness but I didn't see any real clues as to how to defeat the boss.
To be blunt, there isn't. The final boss was made on literally the second-to-last day of the contest, so I just threw something together and prayed it wouldn't break.
Not an ideal scenario, ahah.
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Re: ADD Support for Nocturne in Yellow IWAD (PK3)

Post by Enjay »

Did you make the game completely from scratch in the given time period or did you have some of the resources ready to go? It's really pretty impressive for something made in such a short timescale. In fact, to be fair, timescale aside, it's still impressive.
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Re: ADD Support for Nocturne in Yellow IWAD (PK3)

Post by RockstarRaccoon »

I concur with this, though personally I'd prefer the ability to add in new IWADs from the WAD developer's side, seeing as Blade of Agony is another standalone which uses nothing from any of the IWADs, and I might pick up Shadow Corps again some day and I'd definitely want that to be an IWAD of its own...
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Re: ADD Support for Nocturne in Yellow IWAD (PK3)

Post by Rachael »

I've had a thought of allowing ZDoom to scan for .iwad and .ipk3 files in a folder and automatically adding them to its start-up list. In order to work, however, such files would need their own IWADINFO to describe what they are.
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Re: ADD Support for Nocturne in Yellow IWAD (PK3)

Post by RockstarRaccoon »

That, and they'd need to not be .PK3s, which is what a standalone IWAD for ZDoom should be nowadays. I was thinking of maybe having another type of file which the engine looks for to define that there is another IWAD there...
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Re: ADD Support for Nocturne in Yellow IWAD (PK3)

Post by Rachael »

ZDoom recognizes PK3-style IWADs just fine. Adventures of Square and WadSmoosh are perfect examples of that.

Another way to handle it could just be to litter the folder with name.iwadinfo files - which are text files that point to an actual IWAD and serve the same function (albeit additively) as GZDoom's internal IWADINFO.

Probably not as preferred, though - having too many files in a folder can slow things down.
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Re: ADD Support for Nocturne in Yellow IWAD (PK3)

Post by TerminusEst13 »

Enjay wrote:Did you make the game completely from scratch in the given time period or did you have some of the resources ready to go? It's really pretty impressive for something made in such a short timescale. In fact, to be fair, timescale aside, it's still impressive.
Not completely from scratch; I've nicked a lot of resources, like some graphics from OpenGameArt and fonts from DaFont. But aside from that yes, the entire thing was done in one single month.
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Re: ADD Support for Nocturne in Yellow IWAD (PK3)

Post by Caligari87 »

Please no tons of little files, that's just messy. It also would be a nightmare on Linux since package management dictates program binaries, data, and configuration are split up across the filesystem. I hate diving into /usr/games/doom or /opt because it requires root, but if you put them in ~/.config/gzdoom then the metadata is detached from the files it refers to, which is just gnarly IMO..

My other fear is that if you add in some kind of externalized "automatic" any-IWAD recognition, a ton of people are going to start abusing it and making their mods "IWAD" just so they'll show up in the box, just like the skins folder was abused. Perhaps this is an irrational fear, so maybe talk me down a little, but I don't see it ending up anywhere good.

To me, any IWAD of sufficient note can be added to the internal list by popular consensus, such as we're discussing here. That should be more than sufficient. For everything else there's -iwad and/or gzdoom.ini.


Perhaps a "compromise" would be to have a cvar or .ini option that says "treat any wad/pk3 in the IWAD search paths as an IWAD"? Opt-in obviously, so it puts the onus on those who organize their mods accordingly.

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Re: ADD Support for Nocturne in Yellow IWAD (PK3)

Post by Xaser »

Caligari87 wrote:My other fear is that if you add in some kind of externalized "automatic" any-IWAD recognition, a ton of people are going to start abusing it and making their mods "IWAD" just so they'll show up in the box...
Said people will be quite disappointed when users then then try and run these mods as an IWAD and fail. Shoot-in-foot much? :P

I like the idea of limiting the search to .iwad and .ipk3 extensions, that way the opt-in bit is explicit. Trying to autodetect every .wad/.pk3 in the IWAD search path would cause all sorts of other problems -- for myself, for instance, it would pull up something like ~30 historical versions of Adventures of Square (square_[date].pk3), making the browser unusable. I wouldn't be able to "opt-in" to such a system, as it were.
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Re: ADD Support for Nocturne in Yellow IWAD (PK3)

Post by RockstarRaccoon »

I know I'd really like a way that I could put the various setups I have as different things in that menu: I'd like to be able to just click "Metroid Doom" when I want to test a map.
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Re: ADD Support for Nocturne in Yellow IWAD (PK3)

Post by Nash »

It's already been said that no more games will be added as IWADs to the engine iitself - users are able to create their own IWADs when properly set up via IWADINFO.

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