I have spent the last several months working on an UltraHD Texture pack for doom.
I have released a tech demo of what I ahve already completed on Mod DB. There are 4 files 1 is a big .7z with the whole pack and is 1.8Gb, and the other 3 are the pack split into 3 rar files, 2 of them 700Mb and one 500Mb
http://www.moddb.com/mods/hoover1979-ul ... xture-pack
Below is a link for a Youtube video I uploaded demonstrating some of the Textures ingame on GZDoom 2.0
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q0MniEJ ... e=youtu.be
^ The Green marble textures in the above video have been replaced since then. ^
I am new to texture creation, and have been working solo on this so the mod will take some time to complete.
I plan on making a full texture replacement for Doom, Doom II, Plutonia Experiment & Evilution.
The pack is coming along nicely but will still take some time before I finish it, so I can share it with the world.
I am hoping that the textures that have transparencies can be done in 32bit color in .PNG format. I have not done any of those ones yet to know for sure.
I am remaking some of my older textures after upgrading from Filter Forge 4 to Filter Forge 6.
I am teaching myself this as I go along, and have also been held back a bit from health issues, but I am determined to complete this project.
You can view the work on my DeviantArt repository here: (regularly updated)
http://hoover1979.deviantart.com/galler ... xture-work
When I get the textures finished I will release it first for Risen3D engine.
The Risen3D release will have smaller skies for Evilution as to avoid the stretching the skies had to be tiled together 4 times from 4096x2018 to 16384x2048, and risen3D can't exceed 8192px in either X or Y so those sky textures are 8192x1024 so that Risen3D does not crash with a memory violation loading any level in Evilution. However I have tested the 16384x2048 Evilution skies on GZdoom2.0 and they work.
I have absolutely no clue as of yet on how to make skyboxes. I hope I can figure that out one day for a Risen3D UltraHD Skybox set.
Then I am going right into making brightmaps for all textures, that have lights on them for the GZDoom release, with full size Evilution sky textures.
I will also resize both the Risen3D pack and the GZDoom pack, to make an alternate 1k release for those who's hardware specifications prohibit the use of 2k textures.
Programs used:
Adobe Photoshop cs5.5
Filter Forge 6.0 Pro.
I am accepting any suggestions and/or feedback, to assist in the direction of the project.