[WIP] 2K UltraHD Texture Pack for Doom in the works.

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[WIP] 2K UltraHD Texture Pack for Doom in the works.

Post by hoover1979 »


I have spent the last several months working on an UltraHD Texture pack for doom.

I have released a tech demo of what I ahve already completed on Mod DB. There are 4 files 1 is a big .7z with the whole pack and is 1.8Gb, and the other 3 are the pack split into 3 rar files, 2 of them 700Mb and one 500Mb

http://www.moddb.com/mods/hoover1979-ul ... xture-pack

Below is a link for a Youtube video I uploaded demonstrating some of the Textures ingame on GZDoom 2.0
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q0MniEJ ... e=youtu.be
^ The Green marble textures in the above video have been replaced since then. ^

I am new to texture creation, and have been working solo on this so the mod will take some time to complete.

I plan on making a full texture replacement for Doom, Doom II, Plutonia Experiment & Evilution.

The pack is coming along nicely but will still take some time before I finish it, so I can share it with the world.
I am hoping that the textures that have transparencies can be done in 32bit color in .PNG format. I have not done any of those ones yet to know for sure.

I am remaking some of my older textures after upgrading from Filter Forge 4 to Filter Forge 6.

I am teaching myself this as I go along, and have also been held back a bit from health issues, but I am determined to complete this project.

You can view the work on my DeviantArt repository here: (regularly updated)

http://hoover1979.deviantart.com/galler ... xture-work

When I get the textures finished I will release it first for Risen3D engine.
The Risen3D release will have smaller skies for Evilution as to avoid the stretching the skies had to be tiled together 4 times from 4096x2018 to 16384x2048, and risen3D can't exceed 8192px in either X or Y so those sky textures are 8192x1024 so that Risen3D does not crash with a memory violation loading any level in Evilution. However I have tested the 16384x2048 Evilution skies on GZdoom2.0 and they work.

I have absolutely no clue as of yet on how to make skyboxes. I hope I can figure that out one day for a Risen3D UltraHD Skybox set.

Then I am going right into making brightmaps for all textures, that have lights on them for the GZDoom release, with full size Evilution sky textures.

I will also resize both the Risen3D pack and the GZDoom pack, to make an alternate 1k release for those who's hardware specifications prohibit the use of 2k textures.

Programs used:
Adobe Photoshop cs5.5
Filter Forge 6.0 Pro.

I am accepting any suggestions and/or feedback, to assist in the direction of the project.
Last edited by hoover1979 on Sun Nov 05, 2017 8:57 pm, edited 13 times in total.
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Re: [WIP] 2K UltraHD Texture Pack for Doom in the works.

Post by Caligari87 »

Okay, they are NOT just resized+filtered versions of the originals! Color me impressed :)

Keep up the good work! By the way, you should also consider contributing to FreeDoom if you're working on texture creation. I'm not sure what they need at the moment but every little bit helps.

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Re: [WIP] 2K UltraHD Texture Pack for Doom in the works.

Post by hoover1979 »

Thanks for the kind words. :mrgreen:

Great idea about a FreeDoom texture pack. After my packs for Risen3D and GZdoom are out I should get to making a FreeDoom texture pack.

I would also like to get filter forge to create bump maps and specular maps for my textures instead of just their filters. I would love to have Specular and Parallax Mapping, for a possible Doom Remake with the Darkplaces engine, similar to the Black Mesa Half-Life remake. (with the help of some modelers, sound and music designers and level designers), but alas I have not yet been able to do that treatment with my finished textures. :cry:

Is there any program that opens .WAD files on 64bit Windows 7? In the future I would probably need to extract the FreeDoom original Textures, so I know what to redesign, and what to name the texture files.

Wintex (What I used to use years ago) won't open on my OS as it is a Win16 program, even with win98 compatibility I just get an error. :(
Last edited by hoover1979 on Sat Dec 10, 2016 6:37 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [WIP] 2K UltraHD Texture Pack for Doom in the works.

Post by Cryomundus »

Slade3 is your go-to for that and a bunch of Doom editing stuff.
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Re: [WIP] 2K UltraHD Texture Pack for Doom in the works.

Post by hoover1979 »

Thanks for the info. :mrgreen:
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Re: [WIP] 2K UltraHD Texture Pack for Doom in the works.

Post by Nevander »

Out of curiousity, what makes a 2K texture pack require a 64-bit OS? Seems like RAM/GPU/CPU would be the only concern.
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Re: [WIP] 2K UltraHD Texture Pack for Doom in the works.

Post by hoover1979 »

The need of 4Gb or more of System RAM, independent of Video RAM. 32bit OS only uses up to 3.72Gb of RAM which leads to crashes with 2k textures, regardless on how much Video RAM. 64bit OS can use between 16-128gb depending on the version.

Windows 7 all versions x86 = 3.72Gb Max RAM (due to being 32bit)
Windows 7 home premium x64 = 16Gb Max RAM
Windows 7 Professional x64 = 128Gb Max RAM
Windows 7 Enteprise x64 = 128Gb Max RAM
Windows 7 Ultimate x64 = 128GB Max RAM

I am unsure of the max RAM usage of the Starter or Home Basic Editions for 64bit windows 7.

I had to deal with this issue myself with Skyrim and 2k textures. I had 8Gb RAM and 2 GTX550ti's back then. Windows XP only used 3.72gb of the RAM and I could only play for 2-5 mins before a crash, or a BSOD from choking the RAM. Changing the OS to 64bit windows 7 and the crashes were gone because all the RAM was being made available.

However I will be releasing a 1k texture pack too and that would run fine on a 32bit OS as it only needs 2Gb or more of ram. This way nobody needs to miss out.
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Re: [WIP] 2K UltraHD Texture Pack for Doom in the works.

Post by BerserkerNoir »

Whoa just by seeing the ones youve done so far I can tell this is going to be amazing.
keep up with the good work, Im sure everyone will like it once is done.
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Re: [WIP] 2K UltraHD Texture Pack for Doom in the works.

Post by hoover1979 »

Thanks for the kind words. :mrgreen:
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Re: [WIP] 2K UltraHD Texture Pack for Doom in the works.

Post by EbonKnight »

Man I'm so used to Doom's almost unrecognizable low res textures that it took me a while to figure out what's what haha. Amazing work man, perhaps the only one I didn't really dig was the skull switch, perhaps a different housing or something.. just somehow feels off atm, dunno why really. But yeah, these are absolutely spectacular, especially the tech wall/server stuff, they ACTUALLY LOOK LIKE SERVER CPU's NOW after 23 years lol.
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Re: [WIP] 2K UltraHD Texture Pack for Doom in the works.

Post by theleo_ua »

Excellent work! Do you plan release for Doomsday with shinemaps?
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Re: [WIP] 2K UltraHD Texture Pack for Doom in the works.

Post by Doomenator »

hoover1979 wrote:I am accepting any suggestions and/or feedback, to assist in the direction of the project.
How many textures are already finished?
What about support diffuse map, normal map, bump map?

It seems to me that until the project is completed you will take a few years. However, a few tips.
All textures should be matte, without the glare and reflections.
Don't use hard shadows and flares on the light sources, in the game it's look awful.
For painting use the original textures, it would make textures more similar to the original and reduce the incompatibility with each other.
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Re: [WIP] 2K UltraHD Texture Pack for Doom in the works.

Post by enderandrew »

This looks great. I love that it keeps with the vanilla theme, but isn't just an upscaled/smoothed version of the originals. I can't wait to see this finished.
hoover1979 wrote:The need of 4Gb or more of System RAM, independent of Video RAM. 32bit OS only uses up to 3.72Gb of RAM which leads to crashes with 2k textures, regardless on how much Video RAM. 64bit OS can use between 16-128gb depending on the version.
Skyrim loads a lot more textures into memory, and then the game is using tons of RAM, which is why a 64-bit OS is almost needed to run 2K texture packs.

A 32-bit OS can only use 3.72 GB of addressable space, period. So if your video card has 1 GB of RAM itself, that means the OS can only use 2.72 GB for everything else, and the OS is going take nearly 1 GB of RAM for just running Windows.

For something like ZDoom/GLDoom were the executable is barely using any RAM and you're only dealing with a handful of textures, you likely can still use 2K textures on a 32-bit OS I presume.
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Re: [WIP] 2K UltraHD Texture Pack for Doom in the works.

Post by hoover1979 »

EbonKnight wrote:Man I'm so used to Doom's almost unrecognizable low res textures that it took me a while to figure out what's what haha. Amazing work man, perhaps the only one I didn't really dig was the skull switch, perhaps a different housing or something.. just somehow feels off atm, dunno why really. But yeah, these are absolutely spectacular, especially the tech wall/server stuff, they ACTUALLY LOOK LIKE SERVER CPU's NOW after 23 years lol.
I am remaking a lot of my older stuff and the skull switch was the first switch I did. Now that I have better programs it is on my remake list along with the green marble/bricks, with the addition of fixing the switch textures where the drop shadow is still there when the switch lights up.

These textures are in need of revisiting, as I am self-taught and the skills I have developed now, far surpass the skills I had when I started on this project, months ago.
Last edited by hoover1979 on Tue Dec 13, 2016 5:25 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: [WIP] 2K UltraHD Texture Pack for Doom in the works.

Post by hoover1979 »

theleo_ua wrote:Excellent work! Do you plan release for Doomsday with shinemaps?

Brightmaps for GZdoom too. Once the base textures are completed they will be released for Risen3D and I will go on to shine/bright maps for other releases.
Last edited by hoover1979 on Tue Dec 13, 2016 4:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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