The official "ZDoom on Wolfenstein 3D" thread. (aka ECWolf)

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Re: The official "ZDoom on Wolfenstein 3D" thread. (aka ECWo

Post by printz »

Awesome. A feature complete codebase.
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Re: The official "ZDoom on Wolfenstein 3D" thread. (aka ECWo

Post by Springy »

Blzut3 wrote:And for those of you who were not in IRC at the time. The release date is Sepetember 18th.
Brilliant, cannot wait amazing work so far.
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Re: The official "ZDoom on Wolfenstein 3D" thread. (aka ECWo

Post by NeuralStunner »

Blzut3 wrote:The release date is Sepetember 18th.
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Re: The official "ZDoom on Wolfenstein 3D" thread. (aka ECWo

Post by BlueFireZ88 »

What can we expect from the upcoming release? Are we gonna be able to play some Wolf3D and Spear?
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Re: The official "ZDoom on Wolfenstein 3D" thread. (aka ECWo

Post by Xaser »

Sorry, but due to budget constraints, the first build of ECWolf will only support Corridor 7.
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Re: The official "ZDoom on Wolfenstein 3D" thread. (aka ECWo

Post by mallo »

Yeah, the greatest game ever made! :D

I can't wait to decorate... umm... Well, decorate something. :P
EDIT: Oh, and question about map format: It can still be edited in programs like ChaosEdit, right? Then it just have to be thrown in the .wad using SLADE? Or is there actually no .wad format... uh... (forgot the word)... something. Oh, right! Support.
Last edited by mallo on Sun Sep 16, 2012 4:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The official "ZDoom on Wolfenstein 3D" thread. (aka ECWo

Post by Blzut3 »

BlueFireZ88 wrote:Are we gonna be able to play some Wolf3D and Spear?
Yes, with one binary. I can't really list all the features it has, but basically you can also expect mods that don't ship with an exe. :P

Here are the release notes if anyone is interested:
mallo wrote:Oh, and question about map format: It can still be edited in programs like ChaosEdit, right? Then it just have to be thrown in the .wad using SLADE? Or is there actually no .wad format... uh... (forgot the word)... something. Oh, right! Support.
Yes, it supports the binary map format. You'll need to use WDC to export the for insertion into a wad (every map editor has it's own format for map dumps, which is kind of annoying), but until you're ready to release a mod a gamemaps/maphead can be loaded just fine.
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Re: The official "ZDoom on Wolfenstein 3D" thread. (aka ECWo

Post by BlueFireZ88 »

After reading your FAQ I have three things to mention:

1.First, are we going to need the original games to run this? Some stuff like Mac Wolf would be very difficult to come by.

2.Is there going to be support for SoD's Lost Missions (Return to Danger/Ultimate Challenge)?

3.BLAKE FRIGGIN STONE!!! Sorry, I had a fanboy moment there. I'll be definitely be more than happy to play a more refined Blake Stone AoG/PS.
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Re: The official "ZDoom on Wolfenstein 3D" thread. (aka ECWo

Post by Enjay »

BlueFireZ88 wrote:1.First, are we going to need the original games to run this? Some stuff like Mac Wolf would be very difficult to come by.
The id Anthology came with a Mac disc which I believe has MacWolf on it. However, you'll notice that I say "I believe" that is the case because I have never actually been able to read the disc. The Mac I had when I bought the Anthology didn't have a CD drive and it was also the last Mac I owned. PCs just show the disc as blank and I haven't bothered trying to mess around with any drivers or what have you that might allow my PC to read Mac CDs.
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Re: The official "ZDoom on Wolfenstein 3D" thread. (aka ECWo

Post by Gez »

BlueFireZ88 wrote:1.First, are we going to need the original games to run this? Some stuff like Mac Wolf would be very difficult to come by.
It's a source port, not a ZDoom TC. Yes, you need the original games for their data. If you don't find Mac Wolf, you can still use PC Wolf. Which is great because Mac Wolf isn't supported right now anyway.
BlueFireZ88 wrote:2.Is there going to be support for SoD's Lost Missions (Return to Danger/Ultimate Challenge)?
Yes. Even better, they have their own sets of actors and textures, so it'll be possible to merge both FormGen and Id Software things in the same mod without having to jump through too many hoops.
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Re: The official "ZDoom on Wolfenstein 3D" thread. (aka ECWo

Post by mallo »

BlueFireZ88 wrote:3.BLAKE FRIGGIN STONE!!! Sorry, I had a fanboy moment there. I'll be definitely be more than happy to play a more refined Blake Stone AoG/PS.
Other Wolf-Engine game support will probably be added in some update. If I'll finish other wolf-gine games maybe i may even be able to convert some Actors from them into DECORATE to save Blzut or other people work. :D

Sry for my English. D:
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Re: The official "ZDoom on Wolfenstein 3D" thread. (aka ECWo

Post by PlayerLin »

I also want to see BLAKE STONE 1&2 too!

Playing them on DOSBox isn't bad, but after played about one or two hours, it make my fingers and eyes hurts and must take a break. I just hope to play them with modern FPS style...

Well, just hope.
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Re: The official "ZDoom on Wolfenstein 3D" thread. (aka ECWo

Post by Blzut3 »

BlueFireZ88 wrote:1.First, are we going to need the original games to run this? Some stuff like Mac Wolf would be very difficult to come by.
Yes you'll need the original games. For the Mac version or whatever, I have the same stance Kaiser does with Doom 64 Ex: How you acquire them is not my problem. I recommend the id Anthology though. Legally I can't distribute the data.
BlueFireZ88 wrote:2.Is there going to be support for SoD's Lost Missions (Return to Danger/Ultimate Challenge)?
Like Gez said, yes and with a custom xlat you can use the original and lost mission resources simulatenously. I almost loaded them simulatenously automatically, but the different player classes kind of put a stop to that.
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Re: The official "ZDoom on Wolfenstein 3D" thread. (aka ECWo

Post by mallo »

IT'S TOday!!! Yeeee-haaaaww!!!
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Re: The official "ZDoom on Wolfenstein 3D" thread. (aka ECWo

Post by Blzut3 »

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