I happen to be using Gentoo so my commands will differ a bit from most of the debian people so do whatever conversion you must.
My system:
- Linux 2.6.16-r10 (gentoo-sources)
- Xorg 6.something (not the modular one (xorg-x11)
- nVidia drivers (nvidia-glx, nvidia-kernel)
- GNOME whatever.the.latest.stable.is (gnome-light)
- Other various weird libraries from installing other games and crap. (sdl, lds, sld, dsl, lsd, AIDS, that kind of stuff)
I know all this probably won't work, but after enough tries/updates I'm sure it will begin to make sense.
How to install ZDoom on Gentoo Linux
(note: This almost definately won't work (in fact, I know it won't work), I'm just writing a thingy to start from so others "in the know" can correct me and then I'll update this HOWTO.)
I assume since ZDoom uses SubVersion, I should emerge subversion first.
Code: Select all
# emerge subversion
I have no clue how to get ZDoom out of there so I'm just going to skip ahead to the compiling part.
Code: Select all
# cd /usr/src/zdoom
# configure
Code: Select all
# make
Code: Select all
# make install
Anyway, now you should be able to type zdoom from anywhere to start killing crap.
Code: Select all
$ zdoom
Code: Select all
$ /sbin/zdoom
Code: Select all
# find / -name zdoom
Well, this should probably be in the WIKI, but nobody would ever find it. I'll move it there once it gets into a workable state.
(/me waits for a zdoom ebuild...)